Part 21

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Its 8pm so me and chloe decide to go down to the patio area early and have a few drinks. we go out on the patio and Nico is stood there waiting'' y/n chloe good evening'' we smile as he pulls out our chairs as we sit i take notice that the table is set for 4 '' are we expecting company Nico''

''oh no are staff just like the table to look full i can move them if it bothers you'' Nico reply's ''no no its fine just confused for a minute. '' what would you ladies like to drink champagne'' i groan '' i am not really dont mean to sound common but we not champagne kinda girls a sweetish sparkling wine yes champagne no'' Nico laughs '' i have just the wine for you and its made right here at this vineyard'''' and might i add there is nothing common about you y/n'' i look at nico with a surprised look on my face. Nico is a good looking man i would say mid 40s very good shape and beautiful green eyes. '' well thank you Nico'' '' your very welcome and if you need any think while your here and i mean any think you know where to find me'' I look and blush at Nico words.'' I will be off to get your wine ladies.

''That man wants to give you his own tour of Italy and by the look of that man it will not be a let down dam that man is fine'' i laugh '' he is hot i give you that and he looks like he would not mind smashing you against the wall did you see his thighs'' chloe fans herself thighs did you see his arms'' ''mm they could pin you down or choke you quite well'' we both start to laugh about how dirty are minds can get when i feel a presence come up behind thinking Nico had heard what we said i close my eyes and swallow waiting for the embarrassment to kick in. Chloe looks up in shock then looks at me with a stupidly big smile on her face oh yeah she would find this funny. still looking down at the table i take a deep breath ready to look up and pretend it was nothing. Then he leans down and whispers in my ear '' if you want to be pinned down and choked all you got to do is ask doll'' 

I turn my face to the side and look into the steel blue eyes of '' Sebastian'' I am in shock he is really here i have not seen him in person for over five months. I look over and see chloe being bear hugged by Mackie. I turn back to Sebastian '' your really here, What are you doing here'' He grabs my hand and pulls me up so i am standing in front of him. he puts one hand on my hip and the other hand to the side of my face '' me and mackie wanted to surprise you and i just needed to see you to hold you'' I look into his eyes and see so many emotions running through them he was trying to figure out if i was happy he was here or not. Stroking my bottom lip with his thumb '' i am trying really hard to take this slow but i really want to kiss you right now or kill Nico for trying it on with you i really dont know which i want more to be honest'' I laugh softly '' kiss me please just kiss me'' Sebastian takes a deep breath in  '' Thank god'' He leans forward and gently places his lips on mine two light kisses before his hand goes into my hair and he pulls my head to the side to get better access and he attacks my mouth. This kiss is full of excitement almost like making up for lost time. We forget every think around us as i  grab his t-shirt and pull him closer to me we hear a cough from behind us but we ignore it then we hear '' excuse me miss i hate to break up this reunion but dinner is about to be served'' we break off the kiss still wrap up in each other i hear Chloe say thank you '' We better sit down'' Sebastian says '' yep ok thats yeah what was i saying'' Chloe and mackie burst out laughing '' OMG Sebastian you have kissed the sass right out of her'' mackie says. I turn look at mackie but he is right i got nothing to say well thats a first.

The rest of the night went fantastic. the food was amazing the wine was flowing. we where now sat around the fire pit me and seb was on one garden sofa and mackie and chloe on the other one. '' So how did you arrange all this'' seb pulls me closer to him '' Jo Russo had seen me a couple times for screen test and stuff he pulls me aside and asked why i looked like the light was only half lit. i ended up telling him every think and the fact i also wanted to see you but did not know how to go about it'' Mackie and Seb laugh '' this is actually Jo house he went off arranged it all even did the calls to Chloe to make it all legit and then told us his plan'' '' Well remind to thank Jo properly if i see him again''

After a few more hours i stand and tell the guys i need to go bed Sebastian stands and says he will walk me to my room. When we get to my door i open it and turn to look at Sebastian. '' goodnight y/n sleep well and i will see you for breakfast'' he kisses my forehead and turns to leave i grab he hand and he turns back to face me '' Stay with me please just to sleep but stay with me i miss you'' he starts to walk forward causing me to walk backwards till we are both in the room. Sebastian shuts the door behind. He walks up to the bed strips down to his boxers and gets into bed. I walk round to the other side of the bed strip down to my bra  and knickers and gets into bed. Sebastian turns on his side and pulls me close so my back is against his front he wraps his arm around my waist and whispers in my ear '' i though i would never get the chance to hold you like this again. i thought we would always just be friends with a kink for phone sex'' i laugh'' you are good at Mr Stan'' '' i need you in my life which ever way that is'' i smile to myself i feel whole again being back in his arm i close my eyes and just as i about to fall asleep i hear him whisper the words ''I love you y/n just you and me''

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