Chapter 8

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(In the morning)

At the village, Ginro was with an elder villager as they said "someone from outside the village? Hmm" he scratches his beard

A woman with blonde hair said loudly "I'm positive it's some criminal we banished a long time ago! I would bet my next meal on it!"

"Don't you hear from last night, the outsider sang a song, is it possible that is the woman that the pristess was talking about" one villager said

Another said "or maybe the statue people have started moving" she chuckled who is name Azura and said "no way"

At the home in the second island, the chief named was at his throne with Ruri next to him and Kokuyo said "so somebody tried to bring in two outsiders. Surely that wouldn't have been Kohaku, would it?"

"We're not quite sure yet." The white hair male said but the browned hair woman interrupted "no, it was definitely her. Your hunch is correct."

She faced the male next to her "no, Jasper, you heard what Ginro told us earlier. There's no need to lie to save her skin.

Kokuyo started crushing his cup and breaks it with his bare hand as he said angrily "why must my daughter be so foolish? Is she trying to be disowned now? She can't keep breaking the rules! Damn it"

Ruri looked at his father with worry then gasped as she fell on the ground having and coughing fit. She lifts up as she shakes and pants a bit

(Back to Chromes shed)

Chrome yelled out "all right, Senku and Emi! What do we need to do to make that medicine?! We gotta help Ruri kick her sickness!"

Kohaku said "if we can help my sister feel better, I'm ready to do whatever it takes!"

Senku looks at him with his arms crossed then grins evilly as he starts imagine if he can cure Ruri's sickness

Chrome then said as he was part of Senku's imagination "do you see that? That sleazy glint in his eye tells me he wants to save Ruri for his own reasons."

Kohaku said "I still can't decide if he's a gentleman or a slimeball. But at the very least, I'm glad that he thinks things through. I'm surprised you can tolerate him, Emi"

Emi said "he does this alot so I'm.use to it, I like his determination in his face"

Senku grabs a strick and starts drawing in the ground "the first project of the kingdom of science is making an antibiotic." He drew it on the ground.

Emi then explained "it's a type of drug that kill any hostile bacteria infecting the patient. It was discovered in the 20th century, this small drug cured many lives, never fails. We can't do any blood tests and we don't know what Ruri is suffering from but from many studies about this is something to try"

Chrome then yelled out as he and Kohaku get serious "yeah! Now let's get to work, Senku, Emi!" "What do we need?!"

Senku then said "well, we're missing basically everything. So pay attention, would ya?"

Senku explained as Emi starts drawing out a diagram of the medicine "there are two routes to making antibiotics. The biological route: Creating penicillin from living things or the stone Route: Creating 'sulfa drugs" from rocks".

Kohaku asked "wait just a minute. Living things? Rocks? How could you cure somebody with those?"

Senku then said "penicillin, which is made from green mold, is more well known but now, in the stone world, I think that would mean we'd have to play a crazy game of chance. We'd be all like "woo-hoo!" We just happened to find this specific crazy-strong mold that's Tenn billion times more powerful than the normal stuff! Woohoo! We'll just have to get on our knees and pray. 'please lord, send down some of that special green mold!' thanks. If we take the stone Route and make sulfa drugs, we'll need a ton of diligence and manpower. But even in this primitive world, I know we can make it happen. Odds are ten billion to one we'll nail the cure."

A Scientist and A Musician (Dr. Stone x Oc Story) (On Hold) (Incomplete)Where stories live. Discover now