Pregnant Part2

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                                                                      Y/N POV at Doctors

Me and Vinnie drove to the doctors and when we got there he held my hand as we walked into the office.

Doc:Hi your Y/N Y/L/N

Y/N:yes sir

Doc:so what are you here for today?

Y/N:so im pregnant and uh i um-

Doc:is there a problem with the baby?

Y/N:i was raped a couple moths ago and wanted to make sure its his baby

Doc:oh wow im sorry ok yeah we can take the DNA

Y/N:yeah thank you

We ended up getting some of Vinnies penis DNA to  make sure Vinnie was the dad and the doctor actually said it would only take 2 weeks and that we could get the gender but we wanted that as a surprise too. Me and Vinnie drove home happy and anxious keeping it a secret and when we got home Vinnie told me that he was happy to have a family even if he wasnt the dad and the baby was conceived by the wrong person in a horrible way. I started crying and Vinnie held me as we watched Anime and Vinnie rubbed my tummy then he started saying baby names.

Vinnie:angela,layla,jordan,Alex,Thomas, Cole, Vincent Jr, Harold-


Vinnie:your right those names are born at the age of 60(he laughed back)

Y/N:ok lets be serious....if its a girl?

Vinnie:rose, angel, layla


Vinnie:Jordan, jr, Harold

Y/N:We are not naming our kid Harold!(we laughed for like 10 minutes at that)

Vinnie had fell asleep with his hand on my tummy as i smiled i fell asleep. I had a dream i was having quadruplets and i woke up and went to the bathroom and it was like 2 in the morning and Vinnie was right by my side.  I loved him so much.

Sorry this was short i was trying to continue the parts!

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