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☆No one POV☆

The class was lined up at the entrance of UA because they were on their way to the USJ because Aizawa wanted to test out his new rocket laun- I mean test the kids in rescue training at the new and improved USJ. Izuku was at the back talking with Bakugou, Kaminari, Mineta and Tokoyami.

☆Izuku's POV☆

"I'm gonna sit at the back of the bus today guys," I said.

Mineta, "Wait-why?"

"I just really want a little alone time with everything that happened," I responded.

Bakugou, "Fine nerd, but don't bottle up your feelings like you used to. You can talk with us."

"Yeah I know Kacchan and thanks for sticking up for me you guys," I said.

"Always," they responded.

They entered the bus and Izuku made his way to the back of the class when Todoroki tripped my feet causing me to fall. Everyone minus my friends laughed. Kaminari rushed over to help me up. Kaminari, "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine," I answered.

Bakugou spoke up saying, "You extras do that bullshit again, I won't hesitate to blast you to orbit!" Everyone gulped but I assured Kacchan that it was fine. He just 'tch' and went to cuddle with Kaminari. They looked so cute. I made it to my seat and that's when Aizawa walked onto the bus and said, "Alright problem children, quiet down we're leaving now." The bus took off momentarily.

I eventually fell asleep.

Time went by and when I woke up I noticed we were almost there and that's when a big crash happened and someone had landed on the roof of the bus. Everyone got out of the bus and saw a large group of unknown people terrorizing the area. Aizawa split us into groups and placed us in zones. I wasn't happy with my group seeing as none of my friends were there, but I have to push that to the back of my mind and focus on helping people. My group consisting of me, Mina, Todoroki, IIda and Uraraka ran off to our sector.

After some time we almost finished when I noticed a little girl, probably 3-4 years old crying for her mom who was nowhere to be seen. I calmed her down, picked her up and she fell asleep due to crying so much. Just as we were about to leave I felt a strong tremor and that's when I noticed the ceiling was collapsing. I ran towards the exit of the building. As I reached the exit, I called out for my team because I was not gonna be able to get out. I tried waking up the little girl, but she was out cold. I made it to the exit, but that's when the ceiling fell, pinning my lower body down, but the girl was safe and that's all that mattered to me. My team reached and took the girl from me and then when I asked them for help, they started looking at each other and smirking. "Um guys can you help me out?" I beckoned.

"Think of this as a punishment for what you did to us and Todoroki," Uraraka commented.

They turned away from me and that's when I saw the rest of the building get a huge crack meaning it was going to fall over soon. I tried shouting at the guys to help but they just ran faster away. A big chunk broke off and was falling towards my head when a guy, one of the villains, actually created a forcefield over my head and they helped me out from under the rubble.

"You're a good kid and you'll be a great hero someday, but I feel as though your help is better needed somewhere else," he said.

I was confused and asked, "what are you talking about?"

He continued, "you find out when you arrive, and don't worry you won't be alone, you make a new friend in the same situation as you."

With that he opened a portal beneath me and wished me luck.

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