Ch. 13 "Toxin"

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                                              Third Person POV 

Mick Helped Casey into one of the med Bays, while Ray also helped, Casey was unconscious covered in sweat and breathing shallowly,

"Gideon what's the damage?" Ray asked 

"The bullet has unfortunately hit a major artery, I can repair it but it is going to take sometime," The AI explained, 

"Well thats-" Ray began 

And just like that Casey's eyes flew open and her hand wrapped around, Ray's throat, 

Casey's eyes looked empty and glazed, 

"I am going to find you and your crew and your going to all pay for what you did!" Casey said angry squeezing Ray's throat, 

Mick tried to pry her off of Ray but her grip was too strong oddly, 

"Gideon get Rip!" Mick said 

"Of course," The AI said 

In the control room, 

"Now what?" Jefferson said 

"Well unfortunately we cannot time jump with Casey's condition," Rip said 

Everyone nodded, 

"Captain hunter there seems stop be a situation in the Medical bay," The AI announced 

"What now Gideon?" Rip said 

"It seems miss Harper is strangling Mr Palmer, and Mr Rory is having difficulties assisting," The AI said 

Rip and the others ran after hearing the information, 

Once in the med bay Rip helped Mick push Casey back into the bed, and Snart and Sarah helped pry her hand from Ray's throat, 

Ray gasped 

They all see the look in Casey's eyes and it's not just anger, but rage and pure hate, 

"You are going to all pay for what you did!!" Casey struggled, 

"Gideon sedate her!"Rip yelled having trouble holding her down, 

"Of course sir," The AI said 

Soon enough She slowly claimed down, her eyes rolling back in her head as she fell into a deep sleep, 

"Okay what the hell was that?" Jefferson said 

"Gideon scan for anything out of the ordinary," Rip said 

A red light scanned her from head to toe, 

The screen containing her vitals appeared, with Gideon on it, 

"Scan complete, it appears the bullet  that hit her artery it appears it was laced with a untraceable toxin," The AI said 

"A Toxin?" Sarah asked 

"Yes, it appears to be affecting the part of the brain, that relives traumatic memories," The AI said 

"So what she was babbling about?" Mick asked 

"Was something Traumatic that has happened in her life unfortunately" Rip said placing his hand on top of Casey's forehead, 

"Is there anyway to get the toxin out of her?" Kendra asked 

"Unfortunately no she is going to have to sweat it out," The AI said 

"So she's going to be like this until it's out of her system she's going to be like this?" Jefferson asked 

"I'm afraid so, I can keep her sedated until it is out of her system if you like," The AI said 

"I think that would be best," Rip said 

"Girl has a grip," Ray said standing up, 

"She was an assassin what do you expect?" Jefferson said 

"How the hell did you know that?" Sarah asked 

Jefferson shrugged 

"She told me," Jefferson said 

"Anyway I think it's best we go somewhere to lay low until further notice," Rip said walking out of the room, 

One by one they left the room, except for Sarah who decided to stay behind and wait for her to wake up, 

She watched as Casey's head tossed back and froth, she mumbled in her sleep, her eyelids twitching, 

Sarah took Casey's hand, 

"I'll be here when you wake up, I promise," Sarah said 

                                      Casey POV 

I don't know what happened one minute I'm entering the ship bleeding out, and now I'm in my old house, 

I'm in a chair, My hands bound behind my back, and I see my mom, dad and brother's bound in front of the people who killed them, 

The people I want to kill oh so badly, 

"Mom? Dad? Killian? Jason? Matt?" I asked 

I looked at them with such sadness 

No... I thought not again,

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