Ch. 12 "Going Rouge"

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                                            Casey POV 

Jefferson told me about Stein Mick and Ray getting captured, the rest of them trying to figure out a good strategy to save them, but I had my own Plan, 

I grabbed a watch that had Gideon in it, Rip rarely uses it, I put an ear piece in my ear, I grabbed my gear and putting my attire on, 

Just as I was about to exit, 

"Where are you going?' I hear Jefferson, 

"I'm getting them back," I said 

"How you don't know where they are, it's dangerous," He said 

"I know it is, but I've been doing this on my own for a while, so I know what I'm doing," I said 

"But-" He began, 

I placed my hand on his shoulder, 

"You have to trust me Jefferson, I will get them back I promise, just.. Just don't squeal on me just yet," I said 

He hesitated at first but then nodded, 

"Keep the ear piece in, I might need you," I said 

He nodded, 

With that I took off, 

I was scoping out the building, 

"Gideon give me the schematics of the sewer tunnels underneath the building," I said a hologram of the schematics appeared on the watch, 

"It appears the closest entrance is two hundred feet in front of you miss Harper," The AI said 

"Perfect," I smirked 

I jumped out of the tree and seen the covering for the sewer, opening it and dropping down, the smell was terrible, but I had to do this, I had to save them, 

I am not going to sit by and watch more people die because of me, it's not happening, I thought 

"Gideon show me where Mick and Ray are, above me," I said 

The map appeared 

"It appears the only way to them is crawling out of the sewer in the main hallway of the facility," The AI said 

"Good enough," I said 

I tracked through the sewer as fast as I could, 

"A few feet you will come to the hatch Miss Harper," The AI said 

"I see it," I said climbing the latter, 

I cautiously remove the hatch, peeking out I don't see anyone, 

I quickly get out of the hatch placing it back on, 

"Casey can you hear me?" Jefferson said 

"Loud and clear," I whispered 

My back pressed against the wall as I read the map, Mick and Ray should be just up ahead, but they are guarded, 

"How's it going, did you find them?" He asked 

"I'm in Mick and Ray are just ahead," I said 

"Really?" He asked confused 

"You sound surprised," I said 

"Maybe a little," He said 

"Who are you talking to kid?" I hear Snart, 

"Who?' Jefferson said 

I turned off the com, I can't be distracted, 

I fired a sonic arrow across the hall from me, it makes a irritating chirping sound, 

"What the hell is that?" A guard said 

him and another guard look at the arrow, 

Dumb asses 

I shot the first one with an arrow, making him drop dead, the other spun around and I grabbed his gun hitting him hard with the butt of the gun, making him fall to the ground, 

I grabbed the Keys I spot Mick first, 

"Sparky?" He said 

"Hey," I said unlocking the cell, 

"Where are the others?" He asked 

"It's just me," I said 

I move to Ray seeing he had the crap beat out of him, I unlock the cell, 

I take the watch off my wrist, handing it to Mick, 

I hear multiple footsteps, 

"Find Stein, get them out of here," I said 

"I'm not leaving you sparky," He said 

"You are going to have to, I'm going to create your distraction," I said 

He looked hesitant, 

"Go," I said 

The first couple of guards ran towards me, and I charged them, 

                                          Rip POV 

Snart pushed Jefferson in the main room, 

"Now why don't you share with the class," Snart said 

"Well umm, Casey kind of went rouge and snuck into the facility," Jefferson said 

"What?" Sarah said 

"Gideon track miss Harper's location," I said 

A map appeared in the middle, 

"It appears Miss Harper has freed Mr Rory and Mr Palmer, and is creating a diversion so they can free Mr Stein, but is met with heavy force," The AI said 

"Contact her now," I said 

"Jefferson this isn't the best time," Casey said sounding like she was struggling, 

"Miss Harper mind telling me what you are thinking?" I asked 

"I was thinking I was tired of watching a few adults rip each other's throats out while time was wasting," She said 

"Kill her!!" we hear 

"I'm going to have to call you back," She said 

Then the line went dead, 

We all looked at each other, 

                                        Casey POV 

"Miss Harper I called to Inform you Mr Rory requested me to inform you that they are almost out," The AI said 

"Good," I said 

Dodging bullets, killing each agent I could, 

Until I felt a hot piercing pain in my side put I ignored it, 

I aimed a exploding arrow at their feet and ran, 

After running for so long, I limped into the ship, I walked in the main room to see a bunch of angry adults, great I thought as I held my side, 

Rip seeing what I was holding and seeing the blood, 

"Mr Rory get her to the med bay, we'll deal with her later," Rip said 

"Alright come on sparky," Mick said wrapping on of my arms around his neck as we walked towards the med bay, 

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