"Raion... HEY. Raion?" No response

"He might even work up to beating the Generation of Miracles," is what snapped her out of it.

She started laughing, and it threw so many people off.

"No offense Kagami... but you have a long way to go, you haven't even opened the door yet... nor have you even stepped close."

Everyone was shocked at what she said, and Kagami got pissed.

"What would you know!? You damn idiot! From all the rumors I hear you were just their pet! Following orders like a dog." Kagami barked.

"At least I know how to listen unlike you! You would not even stand near the GoM's level! If it wasn't for Kuroko, YOUD BE NOTHING." Raion yelled.


Coach yelled making Raion's glare intensify,

"Gather  around now." Coach added.

" A practice game against Kaigo high school!?"

"Yup! As opponents they won't disappoint and we can utilize the first years a lot."

"What do you mean disappoint!? They are way better than us!"

"They are really that good?"

"They are a strong nationally ranked  team, in fact they usually make it to the inter high every year."

"For this years team, Kaijo high was able to get their hands on Ryouta Kise! One of the GoM!"


"But they are practically legendary!"

"Oh apparently Kise also works as a model."

"What doesn't this guy do?"

"That's brutal! Good at basketball and good looking!"

Raion's eyes sparkled.

"He's here! KUROKO, HES HERE!"

"Isn't that.."

"Hey Kise, been a while." Kuroko plainly spoke. While at the same time Raion spoke, "took you long enough to notice he was here..."

"It's great to see you two! Sorry I know it's late but I don't know how to say this? But could you girls wait five minutes."

"There." Kise jumped down with his hands in his pocket.

"So uh what are you doing here?" Hyuga asked.

"Well when I heard our next opponent was going to be seirin , I remembered Kurokocchi and Raiocchi were students here, I came down to say hi," Kise replied while walking closer.

Raion wasted no time in going straight up to Kise and simply falling forward into him.

"Oof- and He, Raiocchi and I got along best back in Middle school."

"Not anymore than anyone else." Kuroko replied.

Raion said nothing.

"So mean." Kise said while fake crying,"At least Rai (it's another nickname)loves me!"

One of our players started reading about Kise, Giving information from the book.

"You started your second year!?"

"That article exaggerated a bit.." Kise mumbled while scratching his back and patting Raion's head.

"You know how it goes right? Don't get me wrong I'm glad to be part of The GoM, but I'm the bottom of the bunch compared to everyone else! They mercilessly tease me and Kurokocchi for it all the time."

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