Cocky Red haired Bastard

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Chapter 1

Raion yawned and stretched, almost like a Lion waking up after a great nap.

She and Kuroko were walking through the crowd, Not many noticed them, or some only noticed Raion.

Some times it looked like they were talking to Kuroko only for him to dodge and it be the person behind.

A technique Kuroko and Raion learned, was to force Kurokos lack of presence on to her Scary and overwhelming presence, making her pop up at random like he did, but only when he was trying.

Kuroko simply walked while reading before he stopped walking and paused.

(Time skip)

"All right! Looks like all the first years are here."

Like usual no one noticed Kuroko and Raion.

"Now that we are acquainted with Mr Takeda, Lose the shirts!" Riko yelled out, causing all the first years to gasp.

"That's it, you've seen them all, Kagami is the last one."

"Really? Huh is there anyone present here named Kuroko and Raion"

She paused looking around before speaking again, "Looks like they didn't come today..."

"Um ,excuse me, we are right here.." Kuroko announced himself, making his and Raion's presence known.

And scaring the coach.

"Im Kuroko, and this is Raion."

The coach screamed.

"HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN HERE?!" Someone questioned rudely.

Causing you to snap your head up and glare intensely.

"We've been here the whole time! Maybe your eyesight is failing you old man." Raion retorted sassily. She would have said something else, Had Kuroko not pat her head, almost as though telling her not to.

"What? He's part of the generation of Miracles? And this girl too!? They couldn't have been regulars right??"

"We played in all of our games..."

A collective of What's rang out.

Until the coach gasped again.

"I recognize you! There used to be a girl playing with the GoM, She was insanely fast and aggressive. She was called the Generation of Miracles Lion, or the Lion of the court. She was a literal beast in the games! " Riko announced, and slowly others remembered as

"T-take of your shirts!"

"What? Okay.." Kuroko said.

Raion didn't question it though, and she took off her shirt so that she only had a black sports bra on.

(Time skip)

Raion watched Kuroko from above, in a tree, as he interacted with Kagami.

She watched their entire Game. And chose not to intervene at all.

Until Kagami said something that pissed her off, badly.

"One more thing, sorry but you should quit basketball." Was the only sentence it took for Raion to jump out of the tree, and onto the fence, she climbed over the fence and dropped next to Kagami, Growling like a wild animal.

"Don't act so cocky you dumb bitch, don't forget that Kuroko was on the generation of Miracles! Meaning he was special In some way, if you think you can beat the miracles as you are now, then maybe you should quit. Because you aren't even close to their strength. Don't kid yourself.... by thinking you're better then them."

(Time skip)

"What a practice game?"

"We are playing the upper class men already?"

"There's nothing to be afraid of, it's also better to have stronger opponents then weaker, let's go."

Raion however did not start walking until Kuroko did, She refused to acknowledge Kagami at all actually.

The rookies got the ball almost immediately. As number seven looked for someone to pass to.

But then he felt something whiz bye, and something in his mind told Him to let go of the ball, so he did.

"What are you doing!?"

"Why would you drop the ball?!"

But when they looked to grab the ball the realized it was gone.

They looked everywhere until they heard a ball being slammed to the ground , they turned around again, and Saw Raion hanging from rim of the hoop.

"I'm glad you Noticed, number seven, I was starting to think your brain didn't comprehend."
Raion spoke with a lazy face and not many would believe she just dunked, if they hadn't seen it.

Anytime Kuroko had the ball, it would get stolen.

And many looked down on him for that. Because they couldn't see his true potential yet.

They started double teaming Kagami and Raion, but only one of them was working.

As Raion easily got past them, Kagami was having trouble.

"Make sure you pass the ball to me." Kuroko said without explanation.

The boy with the ball didn't look ready to comply so Raion did what she felt necessary.

And as soon as he started moving she took the ball, from her own teammate.

She dribbled slightly before immediately passing to Kuroko.

"Why would you do that!? Now we are going to lose!" He shouted angrily.

"When Kuroko tells me to do something or when he tells someone else to do something, but they don't do it, I get it done, no matter what!" Raion spoke fiercely.

The second Kuroko got the ball, he used misdirection.

And we scored.

"That's his true talent! He's not an amazing shooter nor is he an awesome defendant. The reason why he was in The generation of Miracles is right here! No one can stop his passes but us! So don't underestimate him!" Raion called out with a crazed grin on her face.

And that's how it continued, random phantom passes kept happening.

Soon enough The Seniors scored once more, but Kuroko was ready, he was under the net, and he fought the ball, before he used his unbelievable pass, that almost none could catch.

And he passed straight to Raion, who dunked it in.

Needless to say they won.

Kuroko went to his usual hangout while Raion simply went home.

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