13: Found y'a!!! Part 2

Start from the beginning

Layla POV 

-Okay, he just told me he loves me and I really hope, he doesn't mean it. I'm not ready for this. I know that, we've said it a couple of times to each other, but I didn't think he meant it...

Layla: Tony, just leave it okay... you're not fixing everything by making it worse for me...  [She said as she started breaking up]

-I really don't know, why, I'm crying

Tony: I'm really sorry, and please don't cry, I promise... I won't do anything anymore.

Layla: That's not the problem, you know...

Tony: Wait... then what's wrong?

Layla: Tony, you went behind my back and you started planning a stupid plan, which will just put me more in danger!

Tony: Wait... I promise, it was not gonna harm you...

Tony POV 

-Ok, now... I got caught. This is so embarrassing...

Layla: You, know... I thought, we could've used this time, to think... about what, we'll do for our 1month anniversary. Finally, when... I forget about it... you have to ruin everything. You know...I thought I lov...

-S***, I forgot about that. All of this made me even ... forget the day... she fell in love... for the first time... I feel... so bad...

Tony: Layla... please forgive... I promise... not to do anything stupid like this again.

Layla: NO, Tony... I thought you were the one... but clearly I was wrong.

-She wiped the tears off her face and she wanted to walk out of the room, but I stopped her... 

Tony: Wait! Layla! Can I please just explain myself?

Layla: Ugh, yeah... but just take, your filthy hand off my wrist!

Dreamy: Yeah, yeah... he got emotional and felt sorry for Layla... and we all know why he did it...

Fast forward ➡️

Layla: Okay, I'll let that slide for now...

Tony: So... wait... do you forgive me?

Layla: I'll need time to think about. Please, can you also just give me space!

Tony: Okay...

Layla: Just, to let you know... that wasn't a question... IT WAS A COMMAND!

Tony: Yeah, I knew that!

Layla: Well, we're not dating anymore!

Tony: Wait... Why!?

Layla: You know, what you did Mister!

Tony: Ugh, Layla please?

Layla: You know begging, ain't gonna solve anything!

Door closes: Layla leaves

-Yeah, I don't have a girlfriend anymore! I'm so stupid! Wait, but guys... am I not right... I did this for her. Now I'm broken here and bored and I'm also starving. I still, don't get it, why would she do that... couldn't she see... I was HELPING her...

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