Chapter 1

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     Sprinting through the trees, I felt every twig, leaf, and rock under my feet. My lungs felt as if they were filling with fire, but I couldn't stop. As I ran deeper into the forest, pieces of paper with strange drawings on them became more frequent, until every tree I saw was covered in them.

My vision was starting to blur as it got harder and harder to take a breath. I could feel my body begin to weaken and the fear grew larger, knowing I couldn't keep this up forever.

"(Y/N)!" A voice called out, an extremely familiar one. I look in the direction it came from and trip on a twig, falling to the ground with a loud thump.

I lay there for a moment, taking a few breaths before trying to get up, looking behind me. Before I know it the creature's slimy little tentacle is around my neck, slowly tightening its grip. My already burning lungs now felt like they were going to explode.

"(Y/N!)" The voice called out again. "(Y/N), wake up! We're going to miss the bus!"

My eyes flung open as I gasped and sat up out of bed. I looked.around my room, everything was the same as I left it last night. No change.

A girl, about 5 ft tall, with blue eyes and beautiful red hair, shoves my bedroom door open, causing it to hit the wall. "(Y/N), come on! We're going to be late! Mom left for work an hour ago, so we can't miss the bus!" The girl says frantically.

I jump, then take a small deep breath. " Alright Asha, I'm coming. Just give me a moment to get dressed." I say, slowly getting out of bed, walking over to my closet and picking out a black hoodie with my (F/B) logo on it, then grabbing my (F/C) jeans.

Asha sighs, "Okay... I'll see you downstairs, but be fast. I am not walking to school again." She walks out of the room, closing the door behind her.

I quickly throw off my pajamas and put on the clothing I picked out, then speed walk over to my desk. It was messy, with notebooks and pencils scattered across it. I gather my school materials and grab my backpack from underneath my bed. Shoving my pencils, notebooks, school books, a sketchbook, and anything I could find that would be a use to me during class, inside it.

"(Y/N), come on already!" Asha calls from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I yell back, grabbing my phone and shoving it into my pocket. I walk out of the room, then run through the hall, down the stairs, and to the front door where Asha was waiting.

She opened the front door, then ushered me out, "Go, go, go!"

"Alright, alright!" I walk out the door, Asha following closely behind, closing and locking the door on her way out.

We make our way to the bus stop, with little conversation. When we finally arrived, the bus was already waiting, luckily there were still some kids boarding.

I grab Asha's hand and sprint to the bus doors, we climb onboard and take our seats.

Taking out my phone and a pair of headphones. I plug the audio jack into the phone and turn on (F/S), turning the volume up all the way, blocking out my surroundings.

I stare out the window, watching as we pass house by house. More and more clouds began to cover the bright blue sky, and while I admired its beauty, one thing wouldn't leave my mind.

My dream from last night. I had dreamt this before, however, something about this time was too real. It almost felt as if it was actually happening. Well, I guess all dreams feel like that in the moment. I'm sure it meant nothing, probably just another stupid nightmare that I just can't get over.

The bus made a sudden stop, knocking my phone and my headphones out of my hand into the middle of the aisle. I set my bag on the other side of me and quickly grabbed my phone back before anyone had the chance to stomp on it.

I feel a tap on my shoulder, I jump and look up at a boy. He was around my height and  had hair that was a chocolatey brown, which seemed to highlight his dark green eyes. I definitely had never seen him around before, which was rare considering how small the town was.

"May I sit here?"

I sat there in awe for about a minute before realizing I was staring and quickly moving over, placing my bag onto my lap. "Of course!" 

He smiled, "Thank you very much."

The boy sat beside me and put his backpack at his feet, sitting in complete silence as the bus began moving again.

It was strange seeing someone new. I had lived in EastHallow my entire life and not once met someone new. The people here like to talk. So much so that if something happens within your family and it gets out, the rest of the town will hear about it within a week, so it was weird that not even my parents had mentioned that someone new had moved into town.

We finally arrived at school and as soon as the bus stopped to let us off, the boy shot up out of his seat, basically running off the bus. I even let out a little chuckle seeing him speed off the bus like that.

The rest of the students and I made our way off the bus and inside the school, where I met up with a few friends of mine then made my way to my classes

Everything was exactly the same. Same bell, same classes, nothing different. I think that was one of the only things keeping my mind at ease. I didn't have to worry about anything new. Except for that boy, but he wasn't my problem.

I close my locker, then look around, admiring the walls that were covered in posters and art from extremely talented students. I stare at one piece of art in particular, it seemed out of place. It was strangely familiar, but for some odd reason, I couldn't think of where it might've come from.

The bell rings and people start flooding into the hallway. I quickly spin around to find the boy from earlier. Staring down at me, sending chills throughout my body. He slowly reached into his pocket, I took a step back, as his hand slowly pulled out of his pocket.

This part of the story was redone due to the fact that I really started to hate it and couldn't take it anymore. Sorry to anyone who had already read this part.

 This story was originally made back in 2021.

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