Meeting the Generation Of Miracles

Start from the beginning

Raion's eyes Glared daggers into the boy as she stalked over like a predator watching its prey.

"How un-Gentlemen like, a teenager striking a little girl. We're are your manners I wonder?" Raion taunted.

Her short black hair blew in the wind as she tilted her head slightly, making her look scary as her eyes glinted in the sun.

"Back off before I make you!" He yelled in anger raising a fist threateningly.

"Oh ho ho, The boy is going to strike another girl huh? I'd like to see him try and get away with all his limbs." Raion Threatened not so subtly.

The boys eyes widened and filled with rage as he swung his opened hand forward to strike her across her face. And that's what would've happened if Raion had not cough several of his fingers, in her mouth...

The boy screamed in agony, as the fingers have many nerves in them.

Her teeth glinted dangerously as she bit down into his fingers, and the metallic taste of blood filled her mouth as she let go of his fingers.

She smiled madly while his blood dripped down her face. She looked crazy, insane if anything.

"Y-you demon!"

Yet even as he had his hand injured he still did not leave.

Raion smirked again, finding this new idea she had come up with intriguing.

She looked behind her," Hey, you with the blue hair, Toss me a basketball."

The little girl didn't hesitate to throw the order girl the ball.

"I'll make ya a deal you brats, If I make this shot single handedly and With my eyes closed, you leave right now and never come back."

"Blindfolded and one armed?" Someone questioned, she nodded not seeing anything wrong with the handicaps.

"And what if you miss?" One of the older boys asked.

She pondered for a moment before answering," I'll let you beat the shit out of me!" She answered cheekily.

The boys grinned and agreed immediately.

Raion grabbed the sleeve to her jacket before yanking down, causing it to tear near the shoulder.

She tied her sleeve around her face and put an arm behind her back.

She took a deep breath in through her nose and out through her mouth, almost feeling and knowing were everyone is just by feeling it.

Everyone's attention was on the girl as she bent her arm and shot the ball, at first glance people would think it would miss, but it was a straight shot without even using the back board.

Feeling victorious she grinned ripping off her sleeve and pointing her thumb in a different direction, "Yall lost the deal, Now leave. before I make you." Raion grinned threateningly licking the blood off her her bottom lip with her tongue.

The boys hightailed it after that running away screaming the devil had been sent after them.

Raion simply shrugged and went to walk away when a tiny hand grabbed the back of her jacket.

She turned around to see the little girl. Her eyes were sparking with admiration.

"How do you do that!? " the girl shouted in awe.

"I don't know, I just threw the ball in an arc and tried not to miss?" Raion answered unsure.

"You have to show my brother! He would think it's cool! I think.." she trailed off unsure.

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