"Are you crazy? It's the best! They have champagne and everything, and there are famous people all over!" She motioned across the room. "Look, it's DJ Mary! We can get on the radio!"

"I don't think..." Jasmine began to protest, but Whitney had already dragged her over to the DJ, who was busy interviewing a man in a suit—from Silph Co., she assumed.

"Mary! Hi!"

She looked on as Whitney inserted herself into the exchange, until the Silph Co. employee (who was only trying to promote his research, the poor man) gave up and left. It didn't seem to faze Whitney much. She just kept talking as though nothing had happened. Maybe Jasmine could quietly slip away...

"Thank you to Whitney, our Gym Leader from..."

Or maybe not. It sounded like Whitney's interview was coming to an end.

Whitney made a face. "That's it?"

"...Goldenrod City. Next, we'll be moving along to—"

"But we're just getting started!"

"Look, Whitney, you've been on my show more than all the other Gym Leaders combined." Mary sighed. "We've covered everything from your top ten favorite Pokémon to your opinion of Ethan's new hat. Besides, you're based in Goldenrod. I can have you on any day of the week. Let me get the other leaders for a change. Like your friend. Now here's one we haven't heard from before..."

A panicked feeling rose up within her. She'd never done an interview in her life.

It wasn't that she hadn't been asked. She just knew better than to say yes. When she got nervous, she struggled to form complete sentences.

"Jasmine, right?" Mary handed her a microphone.

Terrified, she nodded. "Yes, but I'd rather not—"

"We're here at the Master Ball launch with Jasmine, Olivine's Gym Leader."

Jasmine froze. "I-Is this live?"

"Yes. So, Jasmine, what do you think of Silph Co.'s decision to take the Master Ball public?"

"Um... I..." She could scarcely breathe, let alone speak. She glanced at Whitney for help, but Whitney had lost interest in the interview now that Mary wasn't interviewing her, and was now gossiping enthusiastically to a harassed-looking Bruno.

Off in the crowd, she caught sight of a man watching—one she didn't even know. Well, she couldn't fault him. She supposed she looked like she was about to faint.

"Do you think it's a good idea?" Mary prompted her.

"I-I'm not sure," she choked out.

"And what makes you so uncertain?"

She couldn't think of a response. All she could think was that thousands of people were listening. Seconds felt like hours as she fought to come up with something... anything.

"DJ Mary?" It was that man again. Whoever he was, he had her undying gratitude. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but this may be the only time I'm available all night, if you'd like to begin my interview."

"Oh, Steven! Of course!"

Just like that, Mary had forgotten her. He was obviously someone very important. And now that he stood before her, she could see that he was quite handsome as well.

The man—Steven—met her eyes. "You don't mind, do you?"

"N-no. Go ahead."

"I didn't think you would." He gave her an understanding smile, and she realized—he'd done this on purpose, hadn't he?

"Sorry, Jasmine." Mary took back the microphone at last. "I'll have to continue our interview later, if that's okay."

"It's fine," said Jasmine. "We don't have to continue it at all." And she exhaled in relief as she retreated, taking care to evade the media and their cameras along the way.

Whitney ambushed her before she'd made it more than a few steps. "Do you have any idea who that was?"

"Um, I think his name was Steven."

"That's Steven Stone!"

"Oh, do you know him?"

"Everyone does! He's, like, the Lance of Hoenn. Only he's super rich, too. And he doesn't wear a stupid cape everywhere he goes." Whitney pointed at Lance, who was, in fact, wearing his signature cape over his suit.

It looked a little strange, Jasmine had to admit.

"Oh." That explained why Mary had been so eager to interview him. He was a Champion. And something of a celebrity, at that.

"I can't believe you got to talk to him! What'd you say?" Whitney demanded.

"Um... nothing."


She ought to have thanked him. But it would be too embarrassing now. Interviews were probably second nature to someone like Steven Stone. He probably thought she was pathetic.

Whitney finished off her drink. "I'm gonna get some more champagne. You want?"

"No, thank you."

All Jasmine wanted was to escape. She'd had enough of crowds and talkative colleagues for one night.

So she left the building for a quiet spot outside the entrance, where she could finally feel at ease. And that was where she remained, staring off into the distance, captivated by thoughts of the man who'd come to her rescue...


Up next: Morty has two things on his mind. One of them, not surprisingly, is Ho-Oh. The other one is a girl.

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