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There have been thousands if not millions killed the same way, counting up centuries of death by hate and brutality and I wanna say: with more recognition, the police brutality and killing of those with colored skin has slowed

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There have been thousands if not millions killed the same way, counting up centuries of death by hate and brutality and I wanna say: with more recognition, the police brutality and killing of those with colored skin has slowed. With every life still here today, we can change things.
A little more patience and some more time we will change the systems. I genuinely wish and know it.
Maybe this sick world will have enough tired people to the point where things changes indefinitely. It's crucial that that things change.
I mean, how many more unjustifiable killings will happen where the murderers get off free?
With all of us, with one case at a time..we will let the dead souls rest in piece knowing the one or ones who ended their lives can end no more while justice prevails.
That's the dream, my dream/many others dreams/ and one day a reality.

My blood boils with the fact that something as simple as this has to be fought for. That something as simple as charging those who have killed with murder to a degree. To charge those who use their police and white privileges to hate crime and kill innocent people of color. Kids. Sleeping women. A hardly lived man going on a walk. Elders sitting in their lawn or inside their homes.

If I had the links to each video I've seen that proves the difference in treatment and cruelty, I would have put them each in every chapter posted.

Sadly, I will not be continuing this series.

The toll my mental health took while making this series, it was bad guys. I'm still signing petitions though. And sharing my awareness of those who need their unlawful deaths justified, of the names of the free cops who have took innocent lives. So much has been taken away and like I said before; with all of us who are tired and with time...we'll see the change.

Let's not forget their names, and continue to learn and bring justice to each and every unjustified lost name. <33

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