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dream looked down at the hand that had been tracing shapes on his palm for the last half an hour.

the brunette head looked up.

"clay i- sorry, dream-" he was cut off.

"no, wait, it's fine. call me whichever you want," dream interrupted with. he really didn't like people calling him his real name, but for some reason, with george he didn't mind.

"okay," he began again. "i think... i think i've fallen."

dream furrowed his brow.

"huh?" he said, cluelessly.

sighing and rephrasing, george said one final time: "clay. i think i've fallen. for you."


dream didn't even know how to react. it was like his brain just completely shut down. it's not like he didn't already kind of know, but hearing those words from george's mouth made him melt.

"really?" dream asked, stupidly.

"no. i was just kidding," george deadpanned, then laughed at the immediate drop in dream's face. "yes really, idiot! i'm not one to lead people on for no reason."

spice warning! i have no idea how to gauge how spicy so just know you have been warned! skip to the next '-' if u don't wanna read it.

suddenly, george felt heated breath against his cold face and looked up into dream's eyes as he so often did.

dream waited, not doing anything george didn't want.

george closed the gap between them, pushing his lips into dream's and wrapping his arms around his neck.

to get more comfortable and make it so he wouldn't have to crane his neck so much, dream grabbed george by the waist and pulled him onto his lap.

as he leaned into the kiss, george tasted a faint hint of strawberry from their previous meal, which he now decided was his new favorite fruit.

yes, they had kissed before, but they were drunk and it was different. it was just as real, but this was more passionate, more loving.

george parted his lips and dream took the chance to slip his tongue into george's mouth, exploring every inch of it. although unexpected, george didn't mind.

george's arms hovered a bit, not sure where to put them now, before placing them at the very bottom of dreams back. he slowly, waiting for permission and after small hesitation, receiving a nod, crept them under dream's shirt and up his back.

dream trusted george, and he let go of worry and insecurity around him.

the sense of euphoria in the air was like none either had experienced. sure, they had both had past relationships and kisses, but nothing like this. this was so long awaited. so reckless yet so careful. it was perfect.


after what they both agreed to be the best 15 minutes of their lives, dream pulled away, causing a whine from george, and grabbed the british boy's arm. he pulled him up and, keeping a tight hold on the boy, ran right down the hill, away from where dream's truck was parked.

after running barefoot throughout the grass in what seemed to him like a movie, george finally saw where he was being pulled to and grinned. there was a small, beautiful lake up ahead, surrounded by forest and wildlife.

dream knew the water was going to be absolutely freezing, but that just meant they would need each other's body heat even more.

he ripped off his windbreaker and shirt in one swift motion, shocking george and making himself laugh. leaving his pants on, he waded into the water, shivering with every step. once he was up to his waist, he turned around and waved at george to tell him to come in with him.

"are you kidding me?! it's like, 10 degrees (50 degrees fahrenheit) out here!" george exclaimed, already getting goosebumps just thinking about it.

"oh c'mon! it'll be fun! we won't stay in if we get too cold and i have dry, warm blankets waiting for us at the hill and in the car."

not entirely convinced, but also pumped on adrenaline, george sighed and pulled off dream's sweater, then his turtleneck.

"i have jeans on!" he yelled, trying to stall or possibly convince dream one last time to get out.

it was no use.

"either deal with it or take them off!" dream said laughing, although he was dead serious.

george thought of his options and realized last night, he hadn't even been wearing bottoms. this would be no different.

although, this time he wasn't wearing a hoodie that went down almost to his knees.

deciding the darkness of the night would have to be enough, he took off his jeans, shuddering at the cold hitting his exposed skin.

soon enough, he was in the freezing cold water, clinging onto dream for dear life. he could not believe he was convinced to do this. he was sure his non-waterproof eyeliner was running down his face.

he had to admit, it was a crazy, fun idea. almost skinny dipping at 9:00 at night in a random lake at a random park with someone he had just made out with, aka his best friend. something he had never thought would happen just a couple months ago when he was still in england, living the same repetitive days over and over.

this whole america thing was the best thing that could've ever happened to him.



any constructive criticism is welcome. i also don't wanna be embarrassed by grammar mistakes and spelling errors, so pls just point them out nicely so i can fix them ,:)

love, solo cup <3

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