chapter twenty-five

Start from the beginning

"because isn't it weird to have everyone watch you as you guys do couple stuff? first, he shouted i love you in a park, then he kneels down and asks if i wanted to be his girlfriend in a freaking mcdonald's. i mean, what if i said no?" el tells her as she laughs loudly, "he did not do that."

"he did. he loves being extra which is cute but you had no idea what it felt like when these old people came up to us and said i hope you're using protection and don't marry that early along when you know nothing about love." el continues on.

"at least you never went out with another girl or something and got a jesus pep talk by some karen who's fucking homophobic as fuck." max says.

"i'm sorry, what?"

"this lady came up to me and my grade 7 best friend and asked if we're lesbian. i said, why does it matter and she went on about how jesus would have to pay for our sins blah blah and we'd burn in hell. i had to tell her we were just best friends 4 times before she believed it. she kept saying, really honey? like fuck off, i can kiss and date whoever the fuck i like, whatever their gender fucking is." max explains the story quickly as if she was ranting.

"oh wow." el breathes out.

"yeah, it was bullshit." max scoffs as she plays around with the paintbrush.

"don't do that, it'll wreck." el grabs the brush from out of her hands as she groans, "i'll get one to play with then, ms el." she walks away.


"mike! oh my god!" el laughs as he trips out of the janitors closet.

she leans against the door with a muffled giggle as he looks up at her. "i could have died, el."

"y-you just fell out of the c-closet!" she laughs even harder as he rolls his eyes and stands up, "wow, thank you, i didn't notice."

"you're so stupid!" she snorts as he raises an eyebrow, "are you done? i fall in games all the time, would you laugh then?"

"yes." she tries to hold back a giggle, "now i can't stop imagining you getting tripped or pushed over!"

"jesus fuck, let's just go to lunch." he grabs her hand and pulls her away as she continues to laugh against him, "the image won't stop looping! help me!"

he grins, pulling her closer by the hand and then throws her over his shoulder making her shriek, "mike! put me down! i'll be good, stop, i'm sorry but put me down! we're at the cafeteria already, no, don't you dare go through those doors!"

he laughs at her and walks through as she kicks and hits his back, "oh, you asshole!"

"that's me!" he smirks as she groans out loud and he walks to the back.

he puts her down at her usual seat as he sits down next to her. she shoves him once he sits down and he falls out of his chair making everyone laugh.

"el!" he groans as she bangs her head on the table with a loud snort, "you stupid."

he stands up and pulls her headband off of her head as she whines, "give it back!"

"catch me, my little sweetheart." he grins as he runs towards the other side of the cafeteria.

she huffs, running after him as he laughs, circling different tables, "catch me, el."

"i hate you!" she steps on top of a table and jumps towards his way as the people groan, "sorry!" she apologises before continuing.

"you're getting there, el." he grins from the counter as she huffs.

she knew once she ran over to him he would run away so she thinks and an idea comes to mind.

she smiles, walking the other way back to their table as he groans, "you're admitting defeat? it was just getting fun!"

she ignores him and opens his bag, "what are you doing!?" he rushes over to her but then she pulls out his football uniform.

she fakes a smile and grabs wills smoothie, "now we wouldn't want to ruin such a pretty piece of clothing now do we?"

"el, stop. i have a game today and i need that!" he exclaims with wide eyes.

"oh yeah?" she tilts the cup more as he yells.

"el, sweetheart, baby, i love you. put the uniform and cup down and we can pretend this never happened." he slowly walks towards her, "so let's just put the smoothie down and the uniform as well." he takes the stuff out of her hands and places them down, "and you can have your cute headband back." he puts it back onto her head.

she smiles, "you really think i would've ruined that perfect little piece of clothing?"

"yes." he answers, pecking her lips.

she hums, "yeah i would've." she sits down and slides wills lunch over to her.

"oui!" he scolds as she gives him a smile, "thank you."

"get your own nuggets."

"yeah but i just ran around this area and i'm tired."

"get your boy toy to do it." he points to mike.

she turns to him and he nods, "anything else?"

"yogurt and a mango smoothie with chicken wings." she orders as he nods, kissing her temple quickly before walking off.

"my man is fucking whipped. have you even said i love you back?" dustin asks.

"huh? you're supposed to say i love you back?" she asks, blinking her eyes as they laugh, "oh el, you're probably putting him through misery." lucas says.

she snaps her head around to look at mike who was picking out food, "so i need to say it back? but doesn't he know i do?"

"you should probably say it out loud." max nods at her as she nods back, "oh."

"yeah." she says as mike walks back to the table, "here you go." he places down the food.

el smiles at him, "thank you."

"you're welcome. oh and you're going home and then to my game right?" he asks her as she nods, "of course."

he smiles widely, "great."

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