"I think I do, I'm 80% sure I like him more than a friend"I said.

Devin smiled at me.

"Okay, do you still find girls attractive or just guys?"He asked me.

I thought about it for a second before I answered.

"I like both guys and girls"I said.

"Okay, then you're bi"He said.

I nodded.

"Thank you for helping me"I said.

"Of course"He said.

"I better get back and shower"I said.

"Alright"He said.

I walked out of their room and back to mine. I used the key card and unlocked the door.

I walked in and saw Cohen on his phone.

"I'm back, I'm going to shower"I said.

"Okay"Cohen said.

I grabbed my clothes and walked into the bathroom before shutting the door. I turned on the shower, got undressed, and got into the shower.

I washed up my body and my hair before turning off the water. I grabbed my towel and wrapped it around my waist.

I got out of the shower and closed the curtains.

I dried my body off before putting on my clothes. I then brushed my teeth and did my hair.

Once I was ready for the day, I picked up my dirty clothes and items before I left the bathroom.

I put everything I had out in my suitcase then grabbing some socks and a pair of shoes. I sat on my bed and put on my socks then my shoes.

"Are you ready to go?"Cohen asked.

"Yeah let's go" I said.

I stood up and grabbed my luggage before following Cohen out of the room. We walked into the elevator and pushed the main level button.

Once the elevator made it to the main level, we walked out and walked out to the van. We got to the van and saw Trent talking to someone on the phone.

Cohen and I put our stuff in the trunk then walked over to Trent.

"Hey Jiggy and Cohen! Say hi to Angel"He said.

We walked to the camera and talked to him.

Hey"I said.

"Hey Jiggy and hey Cohen"Angel said.

"Well I got to go, talk to you later"Trent said.

"Bye"Angel said.

"Bye"Trent said before hanging up.

"Soooo, you and Angellll"Cohen said in a girlish voice.

"Shut the fuck up"Trent said.

"Nah but for real, you got feelings?Are y'all dating? Y'all in the talking stage?"I started asking.

"We're just friends"He said.

"JuSt FrIeNdS"I mocked him.

"Shut up, sooo you and Cohen"He said, mocking us.

"We're just friends"I said but felt myself getting red.

"Sureee"He said as Devin and Ethan walked up.

I started talking to Devin as I saw Vallyk running with Kobe behind him.

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