It's a girl

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I woke up gasping for air it was like I was running for hours which i hated I looked around but I was in an box?

The fuck? Who put me in a box? Who even am I? Where is this thing even going? Why am I asking myself so many questions when I clearly don't know the answer to?

After what seems like 30 minutes the box stops
"Oh great" I say with a frustrated tone suddenly the top of the box opens and light comes in "geez the light is making me blind" I say while covering my eyes
"It's a girl?" I hear a voice with an accent say
"Is she hot?" Another voice said and without thinking I replied "she better be"

When I finally looked up I see around 30 boys staring at me now usually when a boy stares at me I wouldn't mind specially if he looked like what they look like but they were all staring at me with shocked and confused looks which made the situation awkward

I cleared my throat and a guy with weird eyebrows grabbed my hand and dragged me out of the box thingy I looked around and I saw big walls surrounding the place which looked like a farm? Or a forest maybe? " where the hell am I?" I said while still looking around "your new home" a voice said it was coming from behind the crowd when I saw who it was it was a tall dark skinned guy with short hair
"Yeah no I'm pretty sure that this isn't my home"

Turns out the guys name was Alby and he was the leader and the place is called glade and I'm the only girl

"So you're telling me you guys don't remember anything about yourselfs as well?" I asked alby "yep" he said while walking
while alby was giving me a tour of the glade he suddenly said "greenie meet newt he's in charge when I'm not around" he said and when I looked to see who he was talking about I saw the hot blonde guy who had an accent 'oh look it's the cute guy now act natural' I thought to myself "nice to meet you" I said while shaking his hands

"so you remember your name yet?" He asked,then I remember that I didn't know my name but then a thought came to my mind and I figured since none of them knew anything about me or themselves I could just say an random name I thought
Yes I had my memories whipped but I still remembered some celebrities names

"Yeah umm I- um I'm Beyoncé" I said and he seemed to believe it and that's good enough for me

Newt left and alby continued giving me the tour and told me that we'll be having a bonfire tonight it's a tradition that they have a bonfire every time a new greenie arrives which I wouldn't really find it interesting but since this place is full of hot guys I don't mind

Hi so this story is what gen z would be like in the maze runner
I'm trying to make it funny but also realistic 😂

If gen z was in the maze runner Where stories live. Discover now