Loose Canon

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This chapter is going to dig into what happened to Kara during the first days when she arrived, when Lex Luthor arrives alliances are created.

Barry walked into the compound with Kara. They immediately gave her clothes and a coat to wear. When she came out of the locker room, Barry made a motion for her to follow him. Crimson Soldier observed her closely, his metal hand flexing and ready to leap into action if she did anything. 

"Солдат, подожди снаружи." Soldier, wait outside. Barry told Crimson Soldier, who nodded and stood guard.

Barry brought Kara a chair, she sat down and looked at Barry with curious eyes. Barry was mesmerized by her beauty, sure he thought Supergirl was very beautiful, but he never got to see her in person, but this wasn't Supergirl...

Barry handed her a cup of hot tea, she accepted it with a smile. Barry smiled and nodded, he was going to go notify the minister that they were ready but a soldier decided to step out of line and approach Kara, Barry turned around and glared at him.

"Wait, stop right there! She's dangerous!" Barry said loudly.

"Look at her, she's just a stray, a stray dog," The soldier chuckled out. Kara looked at him with alarm, she looked at Barry with worried eyes. Barry pulled out his pistol.

"Step away from her, that's an order," Barry told him. 

The soldier raised his hands in defeat, then he placed a hand on Kara's shoulder, Kara immediately took the soldier's hand and crushed it, the soldier let out a yelp and fell to the floor, clutching his hand. Barry stomped towards the soldier and held him by the collar.

"Get back in line and stand tall, I don't care if you broke your hand, I will not be responsible for a demotion, now get in line!" Barry hissed and pushed him back in line just as the minister and Thawne walked in. 

Barry saluted him and pulled up two chairs. The minister took off his cap and sat down. Thawne sighed and sat down too, he was still in his yellow suit, it attracted attention from the soldiers, Barry had noticed that. 

"Who are you?" The minister asked. Thawne rolled his eyes, he looked at Kara intently, his racking his gaze over her features in order to tell if she was Supergirl, he scoffed and sat back in his chair.

"Uncanny, you look just like her," Thawne murmured. 

"Have we confirmed Supergirl's whereabouts?" The minister asked Barry.

"She's in America, Minister Gorbachev," Barry answered courtly. 

"Alex," Kara said. 

"Who is Alex?" The minister asked her. Thawne's lips curled into a smile, it looks like the clone has no prior recognition of events, just the name of her sister, Alex. 

"Can you turn her into a weapon for us? Mr. Thawne?" The minister asked.

"I can give you something else that I know you'll like minister, but I know one person who can bend a Kryptonian, we just need to find him," Thawne mused.

"You will teach her about America, and English, that is what you will do first," The minister ordered Barry. 

"You will tell us how to replicate your powers, yes?" The minister asked Thawne, Thawne nodded.

"Okay, just show me where the lab is and I'll get straight to work."


A few days passed by, Winter turned into Spring quickly as Barry sat Kara in a room, he smiled as he pulled out a book.

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