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I looked up and saw Eddie and Bucky running to the front of the house and I saw Athena on the ground.

My heart stopped

I got up and started running to them and the cops tried stopping me but they pushed past them. When i got to her i saw that she was shot and then went by her head and told her everything was going to be ok. I looked at Eddie and Buck and they were trying to stop the bleeding but it wasn't working. I looked back at Athena and saw that she was closing her eyes and I told her to keep them open and I saw she was trying and I grabbed her hand and gave a kiss on her hand. I looked at her and she smiled at me and tried to talk but started coughing up blood. Chimney handed me a towel and I told her not to talk and wiped up the blood around her mouth.

The cops opened the door and they saw a shotgun at the front door with a string but no one was there. They moved Athena onto the stretcher and put her in the ambulance. Hen and Bobby got into the back and Eddie said he would call the chief and take the house 118. He shut the door and bangged on it telling Chimney they were ready to go. Hen cut Athena's uniform and saw that she had two gunshot wounds. She looked at booby and gave him some pads and told him to put it on this wound while she was working on the other one. They pulled up to the hospital and saw some doctors waiting for them. They got out of the ambulance and ran into hospital and started making their way towards the


Bobby and Hen were stopped by a nurse and said this is how far you guys can go and she walked into the room. Bobby moved and saw that they put athena on the operating table and he put his hand on the window. Hen grabbed booby's hand and they moved into the waiting room and bobby backed into a wall and slid down it and sat there and started tearing up. Hen went over to him and put a hand on his shoulder and told him that
Athena was going to be ok.

A couple hours later..

Bobby and Hen moved into some chairs and saw the team walk in and sit down in the chairs. Chimney went and sat down next to hen and asked if there were any updates and Hen said nothing yet. They sat in silence and bobby got up and said
he was going to the chapel.
He left and bucky went to go with booby when Hen grabbed bucky shoulder and said
Left him be
He nodded and sat back down and waited for the doctor to come out.

I walked into the chapel and went and lit a candle and sat down once I was done. I started praying and I heard someone walk in but I didn't look up. Then I heard someone say Mr. Nash and I turned around and saw it was the doctor and I stood up and walked over to him. He introduced himself and I asked how Athena was and he told me it was a touch and go but everything went good. I took a breathe and felt relieved and then they doctor said

Mrs. Nash and the baby are going to be ok.

(603 Words)
Sorry for the short chapter.

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