Astraunat travelled to the future

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siren* *siren* *siren*

"The engines have failed"

"I repeat the engines have failed"

"We're heading towards a wormhole"

"We need help te-"


And that's the last thing I remember hearing before everything went black.

How did all start?

Well, first let me introduce myself, I am Y/n , an astronaut and the sub captain of my ship.
Well, technically was...I don't think the ship exists anymore.

I was sent on a mission to Saturn along with my team. But while going there, Our ship was accidentally sucked in by some force, which I'm assuming as wormhole.


*Back to present*

I slowly came to senses. My eyes were still closed as my head was paining as if someone threw bricks at me.

Flashbacks from the previous scene entered my vision.

How my ship broke into pieces and my crew members flew out in the space.

Everyone was sucked into a big hole
A tear escaped my right eye as I recallled their screams for help.

'But how am I alive and thinking?

'Was it all a dream?Am I in my bed back home?'

'Or did someone save us?'

I fluttered my eyes open to see the ceiling of a bedroom.

I looked around, It was quite a modern room. I've never seen such a beautiful architecture in my life.

' I on some alien planet?'

I tried to move, only to find out I'm being held down by some wires and green tubes that are attacked with pins poking inside my body.

'Am I being experimented on?'

Fear of being a science experiment of some unknown species ran through my veins as I shivered at the thought.

All I could think about at that time was to get free of those flippin tubes and get out as soon as possible.

*A few minutes later*

After about 200 painful attempts, I finally stood up on my feet hand headed to the big white thing,..which I presumed to be a door.

As I reached it and looked for the door knob, the door opened itself.

Taking only a step out, I was met with a pair of big curious eyes.

The curiosity in his eyes soon turned into fear as a high pitched scream erupted from his throat and he ran to the opposite direction.

"DAADDDD!! THERE'S A GHOST IN THE HALLWAY!" The almost 5 year old not yelled in fright.

'He's speaking English. I must be on earth then'


I followed him to a room which looked like a kitchen but...stranger.

On the dinning table, a small family was sitting.

The boy ran to a man who looked like he was in his mid fouties yet was extremely attractive. His bright doe eyes met mine as a bunny smile plastered on his face

"Wow" A praise left my mouth, unknowingly as I stared him up and down.

My staring session was cut off by a cough form my right side.

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