~Chapter 2~

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It was a few days later. MrCheese sat on the veranda, enjoying the sun and cool breeze with Cheddar by his side. The dog suddenly stood up and started chasing a squirrel. MrCheese giggled. His happiness then got interrupted by TG coming outside. He looked really mad. "MRCHEESE, WHY THE FUCK IS THERE DOG HAIR ON THE BED? I TOLD YOU TO LET THAT... ANIMAL OUT OF OUR ROOM!" TheGentleman shouted. Cheddar stopped chasing the squirrel and looked at TG. He slightly growled. "I'm sorry..." MrCheese said sadly. "I DON'T NEED YOUR EXCUSES!" He slapped MrCheese. "Owie!" MrCheese rubbed his cheek. "YOU KNOW WHAT, WE'RE OVER! I'M GRABBING MY STUFF AND I'M LEAVING! I'M GONNA LIVE WITH MREGG! HE'S BETTER THAN YOU ANYWAY!" TG stormed inside. MrCheese felt tears prick behind his eyes. He tried his best not to cry. The love of his life just broke up with him and said MrEgg was better! Cheddar saw it too. He walked up to MrCheese and laid down on his lap. MrCheese hugged Cheddar close while crying. "M-m-my name MrC-C-Cheese..." he sobbed. His tears streamed down his face into Cheddar's fur. Cheddar looked up and licked the tears away. MrCheese hugged his dog even closer. He heard TG coming outside again. "Bye bye." He said angrily before leaving. MrCheese stared after him with tears still streaming down his face. He was alone. Well, his dog was still there, but MrCheese still felt lonely. Cheddar whimpered as if he tried to say "Plesae don't cry, you'll make me cry..." MrCheese hugged Cheddar close again and buried his face into Cheddar's soft, cheesy fur. "What have I done wrong?" He whispered, sobbing. Cheddar barked softly. It was a sad bark. He had no clue either.

Listen to the song for extra effect here

It a few days later. It was night and it rained. MrCheese sat outside on the veranda, looking through the photos of him and TheGent together. "Wise men say... only fools rush in... but I can't help... falling in love with you..." MrCheese sang quietly while looking at a picture of him and TheGentleman. They were eating ice cream there. MrCheese suddenly got a message his phone was only at 10%. He got inside to charge it real quick, then went outside again to think and cry. He started singing softly again. Some flashbacks of arguments and TheGentleman abusing MrCheese popped up in MrCheese's mind. Words of hatred and regret swirled through his head. MrCheese started sobbing while still singing. The tears ran down his cheeks and the bruise that was there from when TG slapped him. MrCheese didn't even care he got wet. He just wanted to sit here. The rain calmed him down so much yet gave him so much emotion. He was sad and heartbroken, but also mad. Mad and angry at TG, angry at why this all had to happen, angry at himself for being such a fool, angry at everything. More flashbacks and words of hatred and regret. 


He's better than you.

Better than you...

Those words kept spinning through MrCheese's head the most. 

Maybe he's right... MrEgg is better for him. I should forget TG and move on.

But why can't I forget him? I should be relieved! He can't bother me anymore! 

*sigh* but I still love him... 

"But I can't help... falling in love... with you..." MrCheese sang sadly. He pulled his knees up to his chest and hugged them tightly, still crying to himself. 

Not me crying over this🥺🤚

Can't help falling in love~ A GentleCheese storyWhere stories live. Discover now