Chapter 4: First Day

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Beep!Beep!Beep!Beep! Click.

Starfire yawns and looking at her alarm clock it was 7:00. They to get their schedules and lockers and had to be at breakfast at 8:30 so getting out of bed, slipping on her slippers and heading into her bathroom.

It had a walk-in shower, a nice sink and mirror with a closet for supplies like, towels, wash cloths, soap etc.

Grabbing her towel, clothe and soap, Starfire sighs in relief as the hot water soothes her body. She could be in the shower for hours but couldn't do that cause school.

Putting on her blue bathrobe and towel around her neck, going back into her room she pulls out her outfit from the closet then strolls to her vanity brushing her hair.

She prays that nothing goes wrong on the first day, just make it calm and fast.


The girls was ready then headed out to the office.

"Did everyone get a good sleep?" Opal asked.

"Yes, but I just want to go back to bed." Rachel whined.

"Tell me about it." Emily said.

"Oh girls it will be fine." Natalie said.

They made it to the front counter and it seems the was first in line.

"Morning ladies, hope you all had a good rest. Last names so I can give you your schedules." The nice lady said.

"Miller." Natalie said.
"Hart." Emily said.
"Davison." Rachel said.
"Jackson." Yona said.
"Belleville." Opal said.
"Dragonel." Starfire said.

The lady handed them their schedules, a map, locker numbers and told them to have a nice day. The girls was walking the hallways looking at each other schedules and they had the same one.

"We all have the same classes." Starfire said.

"So our first is Mrs. Sanders." Yona said.

"Good thing we are getting rules than work." Opal said.

"Well it is the first day." Natalie said.


They made it to the classroom and some students was already taking their seats. The girls took their seats by each other waiting for the teacher.

"I wonder what they are going to be talking about." Rachel said.

"We do learn how to improve our powers and become heroes so probably that." Yona said.

"Please don't be nothing like a pop quiz." Starfire said covering her face.

Everyone was in the room it was about thirty students then Mrs. Sanders came in.

"Morning everyone, I'm your energy teacher Mrs. Sanders. What I teach is how to control and release your energy, but that's not what we are going to be doing today, we are going over rules." Mrs. Sanders said.

A girl raises her hand and the teacher nods.

"Um Mrs. Sanders, but what rules?" She asked.

"Rules about Beacon Academy. The first is no magic in the hallways, unless you have a reason that you broke something say it. Second no skipping class, we can tell who skip class and didn't so don't try it."

Mrs. Sanders told ten rules and they were good and important rules. After that school was fine, now it was time for lunch.


Everyone was in the lunchroom, the tables was long rectangles and the teachers was watching from above at theirs.

"How is the princess doing?" Mrs Hara asked.

"She's doing great for her first day, sticking to her roommates." Marianne said.

"I'm glad she's getting comfortable here." Ozpin said and the staff agrees.

"I'm just surprise she's making friends quickly." Ami said.

"They'll make a pretty good team. I can just see it in their eyes." And everyone agrees.


School ended at 4:00, it was mostly rules and getting to know one another. The girls was in the lounge area teaching Starfire on her phone.

"You never had a phone?" Yona asked.

"Nope." Starfire replied. "Never had one in my life."

"Girl I feel sorry for you. You never got to live a childhood." Emily said.

"All I did was train, martial arts, sculpture art, rock searches. And I wasn't aloud to be around kids no yeah, I never had one."

"Well it's okay, your with us and we are going to teach you to have fun. After the phone lesson." Rachel said and everyone laughed.

Then the girls' phones started going off looking they all have a message from the staff.

"Dear students, please be in the courtyard at 10 tomorrow. That is all." Opal read out.

"I wonder what is special about tomorrow." Yona said.

"Maybe it's about the teams." Natalie said.

"I almost forgot about that." Starfire said.


After an hour Starfire got use to using a phone. Everyone picture, information, contact, and ID was all in.

"All done." Natalie said.

"That wasn't so hard was it?" Yona asked.

"No, it was easy." Starfire said.

"Good. We all should get some sleep for tomorrow. Don't know what the staff needs us and we need to be energetic." Opal said.

"I agree. I'm glad the timing on nighttime is longer than the day." Rachel said.

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