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C h. 3
"And mine is Infested with Bugs."



Such a touchy subject. But why?
For what reason? A simple, 'it's unheard of', would not cut it for him. For most people, actually. Well, that's if most people were smart.

Oh who was he kidding, talking to most of the people he saw on a daily basis was like talking to bricks, dirt, paint, anything that would bore you to tears.

So now he wondered why everyone just acknowledged how bad reviving Ghostbur was.
But it was too late.
He was back.

And now they were scared? Now they were planning? What imbeciles. For starters: He did not care that he was revived. But he knew nothing good would come of it.
In fact, something absolutely terrible could come of it.

Well, maybe something terrible already had come of it.


Purpled watched as his beloved, darling, angel stared in shock at the man who stood at his shrine- thing. She stumbled back, dropping her basket of supposed trinkets. He stepped forwards.

"Oh? Don't tell me you're scared of your own sibling- I wasn't that bad-." He laughed a bit, stepping forwards. The girl could only stare at the ground as he spoke. "Wil- Wil- I'm sorry I-.."
"Aww- I remember when you used to call me Wilby- have I missed that much?"

They continued their "conversation", if it was even that much. But Purpled couldn't keep his focus on it, in fact, the only thing he could focus on was Wilbur. That crumby old bastard. He'd love to go over and be able to tell him to 'kindly, fuck off.' But for now, he knew it was logical to watch from the shadows. Plus , he was her brother. It's not like he'd hurt he-

"Is that a fucking rat?"

Purpled immediately broke from his daze hearing how close the voice had gotten. Shit. Oh shit.

He froze, he couldn't move, all he could do was watch as the man walked over to him, then stared down at him silently before asking;
"Do I know you?"

Purpled stared back at him, his expression blank. What was he supposed to say? 'Oh uH well not really- kinda beat your ass in the first war with dream, kinda stalking your sister- dont worry about it my guy.' ? Hell no, that was like- rule number four of best bed wars player: don't exploit vulnerabilities when you know nothing about who you're talking to.

"Yeah- I uh- I kind of arrested Tommy for stealing my uh- my chest plate- if you can remember that far back." He replied with a laugh, his voice came out a lot more nervously than he'd like to admit.
Wilbur squinted at him, before laughing and swatting him on the shoulder.

"I remember you mate! You're that little spy boy with that squeaky voice! Aww little squeaky boy! Awww!" He cooed, poking his cheeks, he'd love to bite off those fingers right then and there.


A shiver fell down his spine when he heard her speak. This was not poggers. This seriously was not poggers. He hated that this had to be how they met. If only he'd kept his guard up.

She pushed Wilbur aside just a bit to stare [up/down] at him, starry-eyed.

"Are you- Are you actually - Are- Are you that bedwars legend I heard about? Woah-.." She stumbled on her words a bit, but he could tell she had a spark of excitement in her system. He let out a shaky laugh and rubbed the back of his neck, "Yeah- that's-That's me alright.." He shrugged, "I guess I am kind of bad ass."

She giggled.

He had made her laugh.
He'd done it.
Not Puffy.
Not Fundy.
Not Sam.
Not Eret
He did it.

"Purpled, right?" She asked, holding her hand out. "I- Yeah- You're?" He asked half-heartedly as he shook her hand. Of course he knew her name. He practically knew everything about her. But it'd be creepy if he said any of that aloud, even if it was something as simple as her name. "Y/N. Nice to meet you!" She exclaimed, holding his hand just a bit longer before letting go.
Oh god
Oh god.

"Oh! I've got to go-  But, maybe all of us can talk another time?" She proposed, nudging Wilbur's side. The two gave a nod in unison.
He watched as he gave a light hug to Wilbur, even after how horrible he was, she still showed him affection.
He supposed that's what you call it.
She was perfection.
She is perfection.

𝙧𝙖𝙩 𝙛𝙞𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙙 𝙥𝙞𝙖𝙣𝙤  ;  𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐝Where stories live. Discover now