Chapter 6: Enhanced

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I sat next to my mom in the military vehicle as we attacked a HYDRA base in Sokovia. I had been using my powers to throw soldiers against trees or snap their guns in two. Clint was standing in the backseat with his bow and my mom was driving. A truck came up beside us and I ripped the gun off its top, ripped the truck in half, and sent it flying away from us.

"Karli! Get ready to jump!" My mom yelled at me over the noise. I looked ahead of us to a barrier and I did as she said. As the truck turned, we jumped off and I used my powers to boost myself up higher. I landed next to my mom and we began taking out soldiers one by one. I glanced around at my teammates and saw Tony flying off towards the building.

"Shit!" he yelled as he hit some sort of barrier.

"Language." Steve said, making me burst out laughing, "JARVIS what's the view from upstairs?"

"The central building is protected by some kind of energy shield. Strucker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken." JARVIS said.

"Loki's scepter must be here. Strucker couldn't mount this defense without it. At long last."

I ran in the opposite direction of my mom and began taking out a bunker. I decided I'd test out using my fist instead of energy manipulation. I threw a grenade into a passing truck and ran towards the bunker. I jumped off a small edge and Superman punched the first guy I saw, rolling as I hit the ground. I ran at the two approaching soldiers and put my hands on one's shoulders, jumping up and wrapping my legs around his neck, kicking the other guy in the face as I swung my body around and grabbed the second guy's waist while my legs were still wrapped around the first guy's neck. I rolled my body downward, taking the guys with me, and standing back up as their body's went limp.

"At long last" is lasting a little long, boys." I said, shooting the guy on top of the bunker.

"Yeah. I think we lost the element of surprise." Clint said.

"Wait a second. No one else is gonna deal with the fact that Cap just said "Language"?" I heard Tony say, making me laugh again.

"I know." Steve responded, "Just slipped out."

"Sir, the city is taking fire." Jarvis' voice spoke,

"Well, we know Strucker's not gonna worry about civilian casualties." Tony said, "Send in the Iron Legion." I took off towards another bunker and did nearly the exact same as the last one. I was out of breath so I took a minute and leaned against a tree, watching Clint from across the field. He shot an arrow at the bunker and hid behind a tree, waiting for it to explode, only it didn't. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Did a boy just steal Clint's arrow?

"Clint? Did that arrow just get blocked? Or am I going crazy?"

"Nope." He said and went to shoot another arrow, but got knocked off his feet by a blue blur. A boy around my age walked towards him as I ran as fast as I could to check on Clint.

"You didn't see that coming?" I heard him say before taking off. Clint stood up and was about to shoot an arrow after him, but got hit from behind by the bunker.

"Clint!" I yelled, "Mom get to Clint. I have to take care of something. We have an enhanced on the field." I ran in the direction of the boy and stopped in the middle of a clearing, not too far from where Clint was. "Come out, come out wherever you are." I muttered. All of a sudden time slowed down and I whipped around. The boy was racing towards me and I smirked. I raised a force field in front of me and he ran straight into it, bouncing off and slamming against a tree. "Oh hello there." I said sarcastically, walking towards him.

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