Love me?

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An gives you my first love hope u dispose it off in dump cuz i hate him 

Skyler's POV

"Stop bugging me" I told Aus. Since we got home he won't stop shooting questions at me. "Tell me who did that to you that scar on your left arm." "your dad did happy now?" I finally told. "He is so dead. Does is hurt?" He asked.

"Of course it does wait here lemme grab first aid " "Actually no----Here put your arm out yes like that" "aH go slow it hurts" I told. "Oh I am sorry M'lady" He mimicked. "So did you miss me?" He asked. "Not even the slightest after all you were the reason i was there for 1 whole night" I told 

"You know classes start tomorrow" He said changing the subject. "Oh i needa get my schedule" I said getting up. "Miss slow down i already got it it's in my room" he told. 

I went to his room popped my shoes off jumped on my bed and started reading my classes" Hmm Maths , Computer, English and Music" My eyes lit up to see i had music ahhhhh my fav. "Oh no no you in my bed almost thought i'd never picture that" He said hovering over me "Get over yourself " And did the leg kick thingy i tried on Malfoi but he also caught my leg "Oh so my trick on me angel haha to bad not gonna work"

"Ahh you guys have to stop discouraging me" I said. He looked at my eyes then his gaze dropped to my lips. Sucking his lips in he started at them with intense glare then he leaned down. Just to tease him i bit my lip. "I told you not to do that and looks like you won't take my words seriously so here is the punishment for you" With that he smashed his lips in mine . He wanted it and so did i i missed the taste of those warm lips his touch over my body but no i can't give in like that i pulled away "What's wrong?" He asked. 

"Well Malfoi kissed better then you" With one swift move i slid under him and off the bed. "No you didn't you kissed my mortal enemy?" "He is your enemy not mine i can kiss who ever i want" And i went to my room. I heard the door assuming he left. I sate beside the window looked out at the trees and  and with novel on my lap "The fault in our stars" And started reading

Austin's POV

Her kissing Malfoi had me in pieces Why did He have to steal everything i love. I was driving off to no where that's when i spotted a Bar. I usually never got drunk but today i had a reason to do so  

"On more please" I said." Sir are you sure that's you 15th bottle" he asked. "Sureeee" I said. I couldn't think straight anymore.  He handed me a bottle which tasted like Water!? I think new flavour. I was feeling very very dizzy

Skyler's POV 

"Look who though to call-----Hello is it his Girlfriend?" I heard a voice that did not belong to Aus
"Yes it is and u r?"
"Mam i work at a bar and your boyfriend well he is really drunk to even remember his name"
"Which bar again?"
"The red bull  it would be great if u could pick him up"
"Oh sure i am on my way"

Seriously Aus get drunk is that what the solution is? At least you could have told me that you love me which might have made me stay but no you choose to get drunk and now i have to pick you up Ughhhh ass wipe.

"Omg you are sooo heavy Ugh i'll killl you when you are sober" I said leading him to the car. 

He put his arm on my thigh "You look like the girl i love" Then he quickly removed it. "But to bad i am Already claimed" He said. "Oh by whom?" I asked.

Then he took out his phone and showed me my picture "By her" I honestly love the drunk Aus he is honest. "But she looks like you or you are her?" He said his eyes went wide. "You indeed are her" Then he blushed then he started crying. Bipolar much?

"You know i love this girl so much but i just seem to disappoint her i wish she were mine" He said. "Have you told her that?" " I did ones but blew it the next day  want her soo bad but she thinks i am lying" "Then i think she wants you too" I said. "You think so?" "Yes i am sure"

After putting him on the bed i heard a knock on the front door. I went there and before i knew someone put there hand there hand over my mouth I tried not to inhale whatever it was. The last thing i saw was my mom and dad standing in front of me with a sorry look and someone poured somethin' in my mouth.

Austin's POV

I woke up and roamed around then remembered i had a class i went ot wake Sky but she was no where. That's strange. Then i saw our college group "What Your classes are cancelled because of some sort of accident? Huh?" That's when i got a call from Josh.

"I am so sorry for you man"
"what are you talking about"
"Oh so u aren't told yet?"
"Told what"
"I can't be the one doin' that"
"What are you saying tell me?"
"Just come to the main park"
I grabbed my jacket and went down Waoh everyone is in Black? Who the hell died and whose funeral i am going to wearing a red jacket?

That's when i noticed A picture of a girl with candles in front of it. people assembly in the park. And in middle was a white coffin with white flowers. Who even was it? That's when i took a closer look. No No no NO Skyler Brown?????????????????????????????????????????????

I feel down to my knees This has to be a joke. This has to be a prank. no No it's not the same Skyler. It's not my Skyler. That's when Josh came running over me. "How" I finally let go and broke down into tears. "Her Mom told it was an accident she was driving there is her body" He pointed to the coffin.

I can't stand it i need her back. That's when i saw her mom. Whose eyes were puffy and red from crying as hard i was. "You are Austin?" She said. "Yes Ma'am" I said. "Tell me this is a lie" I cried again." "I wish i could say that but no it's not " She looked down almost hiding somethin'" "She wasn't in an accident right?" I said.

She was surprised " It was a murder " She told me. "But either way she is gone"

"Austin she is dead"

Those 3 words kept repeating itself


||I know i did a very painful things and you all hate me but saty with me to uncover the truth behind the murder. I know why ppl hate author and i had u guys weakness that i used against u hope you all forgive me Adios Migos||

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