This time, my entire body immediately tingled. It felt as though the warmth of the summer heat had lit up from inside out, casting a strong yellow glow around both me and the wand in hand. Wind whipped around my hair, making the smalls curls bounce across my face. And as suddenly as this magic appeared, it left making the shop resume its previously gloomy state.

"English Oak, Phoenix, 13". Very peculiar indeed. Always the pickiest when it comes to potential owners, for the creature from which they are taken is one of the most independent and detached in the world. Hard won, these wands are. Oven only ever sold to two others." His voice trailed off, as Molly reached into her bag to pay.

Suddenly feeling extremely self conscious for the lack of money I had, I felt a lump rise in my throat. From now on, I planned to keep a list of everything the Weasley's provided to me, as I planned on giving back every cent (or whatever currency was equivalent).

After getting my wand, the twins dragged me all around the shops, showing me everything that Diagon Alley has to offer. I enjoyed watching their faces light up as they reminisced in every possible corner of Diagon Alley, and laughed along whenever they shared a story that was too good to ignore. As much as I had wished to continue paying attention, my mine began to wander.

What have I been doing, living these few weeks as a complete lie? I had no way home, for the port key that took me here had suddenly vanished. I had no currency, no clothing, nothing that would be useful for my success. I was entirely a huge burden to the family. And who was I, in the universe, if on my own I was nothing but an average person. Why was I chosen, who did it, and what am I supposed to do now that I'm here? I sighed into my ice cream that George bought me, while staring out the shop window. We had decided to take a break from the suns rays, and relax in the coolness of the ice cream parlor. George must have sensed my anxiety, and when Fred left for a moment to catch up with one of their friends, he grabbed my hands like he did all those weeks ago on the steps my first night.

"Penny for your thought?" He asked, smiling down at our now entwined hands.

"I just feel overwhelmed, you know, with everything. I feel like a burden. You and Molly shouldn't have to pay for everything I have, let alone even provide a home for me. I just shouldn't be here, and I have no idea why, and honestly I should just go off on my own and-" Quickly, George moved his hand and covered my mouth. On instinct, I licked it, and he immediately pulled away while scrunching his face into a disgusted feature. I laughed, then bopped his nose with my free hand, which he caught by the wrist and brought back to our original placement.

"You are anything but a burden. You've made my life 100 times better just by showing up that one night. And my family loves you, and they chose to take you in. You have nothing to worry about, I promise everything will work out. And you've got the most handsome twin as a best friend, after all." He flipped his hair back, and I giggled at his response.

Fred rounded the corner, having heard the end of the conversation and shouted an incredibly loud "hey!" from the entrance of the shop. George and I both laughed, instantly clearing my anxieties of that current moment, and kept the positive energy into the evening.

When we got back for the night, I found myself staring up at my ceiling, in able to sleep. I've been tossing for the past few hours, and could hear Ginny's quiet snores from across the room. When I finally found a comfortable enough position, the door to our bedroom slowly shifted open, causing me to lurch forward in bed.

"Relax, it's just me. I couldn't sleep, so I thought I would see if you were up. And you are, so I have an idea." George's voice whispered gently, as he grabbed my hand and pulled me off the bed.

"George, it 2 in the morning. Everyone's asleep, I don't want to wake them." I muttered, trying to rub the tiredness from my eyes. I wish I could say I looked forward to the dark circles that would inevitably form from the lack of sleep tonight, but I just couldn't.

"We'll be quiet I promise. Just us, okay? Now follow me. Avoid that step there, it creaks. Okay, and that one there! Good, good." George slowly showed me which steps to avoid, and which cracks would creak when my foot landed against the wood. When we got down the last step, he reached into the closet and pulled a broom stick out from the back, shifting it from one hand to the other.

"George I've never flown!" I exclaimed, slightly louder now that he had led us away from the house and further into the grass part of his yard.

"You don't have to fly, just hold on. Here you go in the front, and I'll steer from the back. It'll be fun, I won't let you fall." He led me towards the front, where I got on and he held my body against his. He reached forward on the broom, allowing for him to take his weight on it, and inches higher into the air. I clung into his arm, which sent him laughing as we rose. I slowly became more comfortable, and decided that squinting my eyes shut probably wouldn't be the most realistic idea if we do happen to fall. If I'm going to die, I might as well watch when it comes.

George rested his head against my shoulder, and my heart might as well have leaped from my chest. I felt goosebumps lead up from my arms as his breath left warmth against the bare side of my shoulders. I tried to imprint this image in my head forever, as in both my universes I am convinced nothing as romantic like this well ever happen again.

"Look, there's Ursa Major, it's a part of the Big Dipper. And then there's Ursa Minor. Don't the muggles have stories with the constellations? Something about Zeus I believe. Creative, muggles are. Personally, my favorite constellation is the Aries one, as I am one myself." I found myself lost in the compassion of his words. He spoke so freely about the stars, that I felt as though we might fly straight into the night sky and become a constellation ourselves. Slowly, George wrapped his arms around my middle and hugged me from behind, all the while still point out constellations that he knew.

I told him to show me Taurus, as that was my zodiac sign being born April 21st and all. He pointed to it, smiled, and claimed that it was now his new favorite constellation.

I was glad the only light came from the moon, as the blush on my cheeks would have probably lit up the sky as equally as the stars we saw.

Undesirable (George Weasley)Where stories live. Discover now