Morgan Pov

"Boys I know what we need to do next" I suddenly shout "Ok what's your idea," William asks "Well, Will I was thinking is we sneak into the Ministry Of Magic-" Sebastian cuts me off "-I vote this is a horrible plan" 

I glare at him

"as I was saying sneak into the Ministry and cut the traces off our wands" I suggest "Oh actually I take back my vote we should do that" Seb says "Hey is that my mum's owl," Will asks pointing out the window 

"Awe hey Lex," I say grabbing the letter from his beak "Here," I say as I hand Will the letter 

Will starts reading the letter then starts sobbing "Will what's wrong you never cry" Seb asks will "Cedric is dead" will sobs out "We can attend Hogwarts this year" Seb says

"I'll write to Dumbledore," I say and grab the parchment 

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

William just got the letter that states Cedric has died. Me, Sebastian, and William want to go to Hogwarts. Yes we know it's the middle of the year but William wants to spend a school year where Cedric considered it as his 'Second Home'. Please write to me when you can.

- M. Potter

"How shall we send it we don't have an owl," Sebastian asks and I shapeshift into a black owl with the letter in my beak "That's how," William says and I fly out the window 

I get to Hogwarts and down to the courtyard and land behind a tree and shapeshift back "Ow, of course, I don't have enough energy only if I had something to eat" I say standing up "That was cool how did you do it" I hear someone say. I look around "Up here" I hear and I look up at the tree "of course I had to have someone notice me," I say to myself "that was cool how'd you do it," he asks throwing me an apple. 

I take a bite of the apple  "Thanks for the apple, um that's a secret, and do you know where Albus would be" I say "Lunch with most of the students" he says 

"I have to go," I say and wink at him then teleport to his office 

"Oh hello Fawkes nice to see you again," I say to dumbledores bird "What is Morgan doing in office," he says "Letter for Dumbledore, See ya later Fawkes," I say and teleport to the tree "Wow, did you see that Blaise" I hear a female say "awe did you miss me" I hear the blonde boy from earlier said 

"What's your name anyway blondie," I ask "Draco Malfoy" he replies "I'm Pansy and This is Blaise," the female says "does anyone have anything for me to eat or I won't make it home," I ask "I have a Licorice Wand," Pansy says and hands it to me and I eat it 

"Thank you so much but I have to go now," I say then I hear a voice I miss so much "Who are you three talking to," Severus says and I turn into an owl "oh um no one professor," Blaise says and I perch on the professor's shoulder

"Why is M's owl here" he mumbles to himself and I wink at him then fly home

Draco Pov

"Why is M's owl here" snape mumbles to himself and she winks at snape then flies away "If you don't mind us asking Proffecer but who is M," Pansy asks "My goddaughter," he says "I saw the owl fly to dumbledores office," I say 

"Severus" we hear Dumbledore "What" snape replies "They know about Cedric's death," Dumbledore says and the two adults walk away talking 

"Did you guys see her turn into an owl too or was it just me?" Pansy asks "I saw it too," Blaise says and Potter starts running over to us with Granger and Weasley behind him

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