My Boss and his Lady Love

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Luca stood there, hidden in the shadows of those winding steps where Vincenzo and Lawyer Hong stood. He had followed his new boss to Korea separately against his orders but it was not Luca fault that he cared more about his boss’s life than boss himself did for his own life. His new boss didn’t seem to understand how his leftover enemies here in Korea and his new international ones might try to take revenge on him. He was the Cassano family boss now after all, much more important than his previous designation.

But now, as Luca saw his boss talking with Miss Hong, he understood why he would risk everything to be with her today. Their smile on seeing each other was simply precious. The tension his boss was carrying on his shoulders for the whole last year, seemed to vanish into thin air like magic!

Now standing here, hiding on these steps, he didn’t want to overhear their conversation, but their voices seemed to travel in the quiet cold air they were standing in. So Luca heard his boss tell Ms. Hong about their new family island and the villa. Then when he heard his boss casually mention that he has also kept a room for her there, Luca unwittingly smiled at the colossal understatement of that sentence as he was reminded of one particular incident one year ago.

Because it was because of that incident he had finally understood why his boss was constantly wearing a gloomy face when he thought no one was looking at him. He had thought that it was because of the sordid business of Paulo and how they had to shift bases but that day he finally understood the real reason for his boss’s depressed look.

It happened one year ago when they were decorating the newly remodeled Cassano villa on their island and seeing how the interiors of one particular room was finally taking shape. Luca still remembers his own happy smile back then when he finally realised that the answer to his long time unanswered question was right in front of him at last.

Luca had always been loyal to the Cassano family, he was true blue Italian mafia after all… But he had also always disliked Paulo, his previous boss, not only for his incompetence but for the arrogant disregard for their then consigliere, Vincenzo. What he always wanted deep in his heart was for their Consigliere to lead their family instead of Paulo and when he had learnt that Paulo had attacked Consigliere, he knew that his dream would come true soon.

So when Consigliere was finally back in Italy and decided to finish their main businesses there in a swift manner and shift their base to the newly purchased island near Malta, Luca was glad that he had bet on the right person. His consigliere was a just boss if not anything else, he knew how to keep their large Cassano family safe and united.

So, when Vincenzo started remodeling the old but well maintained villa in the island, he knew how the rooms would look after it was completed, at least Luca had thought so. In mafia families the size of the room designated their position in the family which in turn was like an organization on its own. So the bigger your room, the bigger your position in the organization. So naturally the biggest room would be the boss’s, followed by order of control.

But in this newly remodeled Cassano villa, there were 2 big rooms of the same size. Luca was afraid that his new boss was going to forgive Paulo and bring him to this family again. Luca was to an extent quite free with Vincenzo before, but now that he is the boss finally, he knew he can’t enjoy the same freedom with his boss, even if his boss was like a brother to him. So after much deliberations with himself, Luca finally mustered enough courage to raise this question to Vincenzo as they were overseeing the landscaping designs outside the villa.

Luca : Boss, I may be overstepping but since I love you more than anyone in this family, I must caution you against bringing Paulo back into the family.

Vincenzo gave a quizzing look.

Luca continued : Boss you don’t know how vicious he had been when you were not there. I must confess that there are times I seriously wanted to end his life for badmouthing you. But I had resisted the urge because I knew you would have to rush to Italy from Korea to handle the consequences of my actions.

Cassano Family Villa - PART 1 - Boss and his Lady love (Luca's POV) Where stories live. Discover now