Happy Beginnings and Broken Pieces

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Teddy's Pov

It was Christmas Eve, and me and my fiance, Victoire, were watching the Potter/Weasley/Malfoy kids while their parents were at the annual Ministry Christmas Gala. Once they left the kids left to their own groups. Dominique, Freddie II, Roxanne, and James in one coming up with pranks to play on their siblings and cousins. Another was Molly, Lucy, and Louis who were talking about school. Rose, Albus, and Scorpius were playing wizard's chess, Albus and Scorpius playing with Rose cheering them on, not taking sides. Lily and Hugo were playing exploding snap. Lastly, me and Victoire were sitting on the couch snogging, not noticing the absence of the for pranksters.

Rose was looking around the room then said worriedly, "Where are the Golden Marauders?"

Soon there was a crash loud enough to shake the house, which it did. Now everyone was flying up the stairs towards Uncle Harry's study, where the crash came from. When we got to Uncle Harry's study we saw the four of them huddled in a circle, whispering about something they had found in there. I interrupted them by clearing my throat to which they all turned around and smiled innocently at me. James was holding something behind his back and I was curious so I asked.

"What do you got there behind your back James?" I request, interested in the hidden object.

He responds, "What do you mean? I don't have anything behind my back." As he says that he stealthily hands the object to Freddie behind his back, but not stealthy enough for me not to notice.

"Freddie, what about you?" I question him aware of his possession of the unidentified object.

"I have no clue what you are talking about. I'm not holding anything" He passes the item, which I can now see is a necklace, to Dominique.

The necklace gets passed around between the Golden Marauders for a few minutes until it is back in the possession of Freddie II, then I reach for it. When I try to grab it Freddie backs away and it ends up on the floor.

Rose yells at the top of her lungs, "JAMES SIRIUS POTTER THAT IS A TIME TURNER!" Which scares us all. Then I see the golden dust engulfing us into its cloud. Lily clasps her hand around my wrist and hugs me tight, visibly scared. I feel Lily let go of my wrist and turn to her older brother. I already know it is going to be loud so I tell everyone except the Golden Marauders to cover their ears, then she starts to rant.

"James Sirius Potter how could you be so irresponsible?" She starts.

"I-" He tries to answer her, scared for his life.

"You went into dad's study even though you know you aren't allowed in there"

"Bu-" James interrupts trying to come up with an excuse.

"You took a time turner, which are pretty much all gone now, and broke it into a million pieces,"

"Ididn'tmeantobreakit" He says really, really fast trying to get it into the conversation.

"I don't care if you meant to break it or not, it still broke." Lily Luna retorted.

Their conversation was interrupted by them colliding with the ground painfully. Once we land we all try to detangle from each other.

"Ow- my hair" Roxy said.

"Sorry- WHO IS ON MY LEG?" Lily screamed.

"Lils calm down" I say as I finally free from the pile of kids and teens.

"Freddie get your fat ass off of my face right now" Yelled Roxy annoyed.

"I would if James would move" Freddie responded.

Next Victoire released herself from the loud pile of people. After Victoire, Lily got up after squeezing between her brothers. Eventually everyone was free and the pile was gone but everyone was talking and didn't notice the group of people pointing their wands at us.

I finally get everyone's attention by screaming. "SHUT UP!" Which also got the attention of everyone else in the house. I turn around to see my deceased parents and walk over to Vic and hug her.

Then Mad-eye spoke, "Who are you and how did you get here?"

When we looked up we saw younger versions of our parents, aunts, and uncles, former Order members, and people who are dead.

Lucy spoke now, "Well introductions can wait until later but I remember a cloud of golden dust and seeing a time turner on the ground broken in pieces."

Word count: 746

Sorry for the short chapter, the chapters will get longer in the future

Harry Potter The Next Generation Time Travel: Teddy's Side of the StoryWhere stories live. Discover now