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"I knew I was gonna find yall like this and yet something in me told me to have hope" Haechan said sighing, as he watched the bunny looking boy wake up, flipping him off, before he jumped out of bed climbing over a still sleeping Johnny and Mark.

Haechan watched him as he got dressed (if putting on the first shirt he saw on the floor could be considered that).

"Well you guys moved quickly" His tone was light and Doyoung knew that while he was looking for an answer as to why, he wasn't actually judging him.

"Did Taeil come home already?" He decided he'd avoid the conversation, pushing it back for another time.

"Negative, but he sent a text saying he's good, I bet you a solid $5 dollars either Winwin or Taeil got dick last night... well not more than you did" Doyoung laughed at the younger's words probably being true before his cheeks flushed remembering last night's events.

"It was nice... they were good to me" Haechan smiled, most likely already approving of the relationship.

"What happened?" The younger asked suddenly, catching Doyoung of guard, and while for a second it looked like he didn't get what Haechan meant, he soon frowned, understanding.

"They were there for me, I think it has truly always been them... Maybe I didn't realize my feelings before but it doesn't mean they weren't there..." He said, clearly beating around the bush. Haechan knew something else had happened, something everyone else knew about except him.

"There for you when what?"

"Hyuck... something happened with Jaehyun, the day of the party and the day I went to meet up with him, they always stuck with me... that's all I want to say right now... I don't wanna burden you with that" Haechan understood though he was scared of what it could be. Doyoung had been open about him with how things ended with Jaehyun, hence why he had been so weary about these dates, specifically one with Jaehyun, and he didn't wanna think about it repeating.

"He didn't hit you again right?" Doyoung shook his head and he felt oddly comforted until he remembered something he hadn't paid much attention to when the older was getting dressed.

"Those bruises... they weren't made by them were they?" Doyoung was looking down, picking up the clothes they'd thrown and tidying up his room in a mock attempt to avoid the conversation.

When Haechan realized his heart sunk, and though he felt mad at Jaehyun, he decided not to push the conversation any further, if Doyoung didn't wanna talk about it with him it was fine, it's his choice, instead he hugged him, stopping him from his previous actions and Doyoung cried a little. The first time he'd cried about the ordeal after the panic attack. He felt better afterwards, like maybe he'd been trying to forget it happened and letting it out now was a bit of closure.

"I'll make coffee for us and your dynamic duo" Doyoung smiled, thanking him.

While he prepared the coffee he thought about Mark and Johnny, and by consequence, he thought about his boyfriend. He smiled... he was definitely in love with Renjun... and though Renjun was definitely annoying as fuck, he really was a light in Haechan's life, if he wasn't too young still he'd probably be proposing already. He wanted Johnny and Mark to be that for Doyoung.


Watching the two boys sound asleep in bed gave him a moment to think, really sink in what the past 2 weeks had been, and regardless of the very unconventional way of getting together, Doyoung thought this was truly it, it was right, it was perfect.

He went to wake Mark up first, pecking his lips twice before the younger stirred awake.

"This is a really nice way to be woken up" Doyoung giggled pecking his lips once more before he went to Johnny.

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