Starting Over

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I was currently sitting in the backseat of my fathers truck staring out the window, thinking about what my new town was going to be like. Why am I leaving my hometown and moving to some place in the middle of nowhere you ask. Well let's just say at my old school I wasn't the most popular kid; in other words i was beat up almost every single day. It wasn't until my parents had to take me to the hospital when they decided to pack our stuff up and start fresh god knows where. My dad said that I would really like it and that this was him hometown where he grew up. I just nodded my head at him and smiled. Before I go on I should introduce my self, my name is Jack Johnson I am sixteen years old I wear glasses that are too big for my face and like your ordinary teenager I was gay. Oh wait yeah that isn't your ordinary teenager, I figured out I was gay when I was in the eighth grade, and I thought this boy Named Nate liked me. When I confessed my feelings for him well let's say that me and Nate were no longer friends. I get comfortable in my seat and layed back because I know that where we are going is nowhere near home.
*Arriving at the house*
I'm having a great dream about Connor Franta when I am suddenly and rudely awakened by someone. I blink my eyes so they adjust to the brightness when I see my mom outside my car door looking at me smiling.
"What happened mom" I said to her in my nasty sleep voice.
"I was waking you up to tell you that were here now Jacky" I groaned at her pet name for me but still managed to put on a good smile and pull my self out the warm and toasty seats into the cold wind outside. I look around to see my surroundings and see that we are on a street with fairly sized houses with nice cars in front of each of them. I go back to the car and pull out one of my sweaters and throw it over my head and hug myself with its warmth. I hear my dad call my name telling me to go look around the house. I run inside and look around. The house is white but not overpowering but still shines brightly. I run up the stairs and see the room at the end of the hall with all my boxes in front of it. I smile and walk over the room and open up the door revealing a navy blue room with a giant window staring out to the front yard. I look around to see that my book shelf is already set up and all my books are there. I really am a nerd I think to my self. I walk back downstairs to see my parents cuddling on the couch just talking to each other. I sit down next to my mom and lean my head on her shoulder. She runs her hand through my hair pulls me in closer.
"How do you like the house Jacky" I smile at my parents and hug them as hard as I can making them laugh.
"I love it"
"Well I'm glad you love, but right now it's time for you to go get ready for school tomorrow" I nod my head at my parents telling them goodnight. School. To say I was scared was an understatement I was freaking out, I looked at my self in the mirror picking out different flaw as that I had,
"Jack you can do this its a new school no one knows you you will be fine" I say this to my self before I shed my sweater and shirt and take off my pants laying in my bed going to sleep preparing my mind for tomorrow.
*Next Morning*
I woke up to the worst sound ever created in the world which so happened to be my alarm clock. I groaned and hit sitting up and letting my body wake up. I got ready in about ten minutes checking my self over a couple times to make sure I looked decent. I walked down the stairs to see my parents were already gone I saw a note on the door that said good luck kiddo and I smiled. Both my parents are successful lawyers who run a firm together, needles to say they aren't home a lot. I grab my bag and walk out the front door locking it behind me. Luckily my new school is literally down the road so I don't have to walk far. Im soon walking up the steps and entering the hallway where everyone is soon looking at me. I freeze for a second stare back until finally come back from lala land and look down and walk the office. I smile at the lady at the desk as she looks up to me.
"Jack Johnson?" She ask me smiling.
"Yes mam" I give her the best smile i possible could.
"Well here's everything you need honey welcome to the school" She gives me one last smile before going back to whatever she was doing. I walk out the office and start walking in the direction of where I think my locker is. I soon bump into some, thankfully not hard enough to make us fall.
"I'm so sorry about that" I say hoping I don't get killed on my first day here. I look up to see its a good looking boy who was a little bit taller than me. He smiled at me and laughed.
"It's no problem unmm do you need help finding your locker" I smile at him and nod my head. He grabs some of my books and takes my schedule also.
"I'm Matt and you are" I get lost in his eyes until I realize I'm staring.
"Oh um I'm Jack, Jack Johnson" He gives me a friendly smile.
"Well Jack we have almost all our periods together so I'll let you put these in your locker then I can walk you to class ok?" I really like Matt a lot he seems so nice and I can't wait to get to know him better. Once I'm done putting my books away Matt puts his arms around my shoulders and begins to walk us to class. When we arrive Matt walks over to a guy sitting on one of the tables and kisses him. I look at them in shock and see no one else seems to care. I let out a sigh of relief.
"Well at least they aren't homophobes around here" I say this under my breath as I walk to the teacher.
"Hi I'm Jack Johnson im new here" I say politely to the teacher. He gives me a nod and stands up making everyone stop their talking and look at me.
"Students this our new student Jack Johnson I hope we welcome him in with open arms" He points at two desk which are both empty and tells me to pic either one. I walk and take a seat the teacher begins introducing him self and things we will be going ever the year. I zone out and just stare around gazing at nothing in particular. Until I hear the door open and a boy wait no god walks into the room. He's wearing a white shirt that hugs his body perfectly and black jeans that fit like they were made just for him. His arms show that he has a few tattoos and when I look at his lip there is a ring that makes him ten times hotter.
"Mr Gilinsky how nice of you to finally join us" The boy looks at the teacher and just nods his head he looks around till his eyes land on me. He looks confused for a second but then his lips go into a small little grin and he makes his way till he's sitting the chair right next to me. I turn my head and glance at him and he's smiling to him self and god his smile is beautiful. I go back to listening to what the teacher is saying when I feel like I'm being looked at, i turn my head and see the boy is staring at me when he sees me looking he turns his head and tries to play it off. I see the small red tint in his cheek as if he was blushing. Im taken out of my thoughts when the bell rings. I get my things and walk to my locker putting my things away and getting what I would need for my next class. I close my locker and start walking looking down. Soon I hit what seems to be a wall and fall on my ass my books falling everywhere.
"Hey watch your walk-" The person doesn't finish their sentence, I look up to see who it is and I see boy who was in my first class with me who was staring. I start picking up my things when I see him crouch down too picking up my things.
"I'm sorry I bumped into you I was looking down and not paying attention" I began rambling saying apologies while I pick things up. I stand up and look up at the boy. Who is staring at me while holding one of my books.
"Umm no it's ok I wasn't paying attention either and I'm sorry for what I said earlier" We keep standing there and I don't think he realizes he's still has my book. I look at him then the book. He shakes his head and laughs.
"Oh yeah I'm sorry that belongs to you" he hands me the book and starts scratching the back of his head like he's nervous.
"Um no it's ok" again were just standing there in silence. Suddenly he puts on an award winning smile and sticks his hand out at me.
"I'm Jack Gilinsky and you are" His voice is has a beautiful rasp to it and I can't stop staring at his lip ring and tattoos he notices me staring at them and he smiles.
"I could like show them to you one day maybe of course not if you wanted to" he was messing around with his lip ring blushing again. I looked down and smiled liking back at his eyes I give him a quick nod.
"Yeah that would be great oh and I'm Jack Johnson" He smiled again making my stomach do flips.
"Well Jack I'm gonna go I hope i see you again" he winks at me and walks away leaving me there just staring. This is gonna be a long year.
_______________________________ Hello my people I just got the urge to write a fan fic like this hope you guys enjoy.
Well until next time
Stay Weird

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