~Chapter 1~

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                                                                                  READERS POV.     

I was walking around killing cow for beef. But that's when I stumbled upon a handsome  creeper. I was amazed of the creepers beauty, It was singing dreams speed run music. I was walking away silently so i wouldn't disturb the creeper, but that's when I stepped on a twig and broke it, The twig snapping alerted the creeper....

That's when i started to look for a place to hide so the creeper wouldn't exploded. When i finally found a spot to hide in I quickly made my way to hide there. When i was fully hidden i waited and started to peak out of my hiding spot to see where the creeper was. Once I saw the creeper was gone i got out of my hiding place and quickly made my way home.

                                                                            Creepers POV.          

I was awoken by my friend E (enderman) screaming because they accidentally touched the lake and is now in pain. I just stayed where i was thinking about what i'm gonna do for the day. I decided on just going out and collecting materials for the witch that I owe debt to.

Once E was done screaming I started to get up and go and get the materiel i owe the witch. Once i left i started to sing dreams speed run music to pass the time. It was going smoothly until i heard a snap. I started looking everywhere to see where the snap came from. And that was when i saw them. A beautiful human( i don't wanna descried them because everyone looks different). they looked scared so i didn't go up to them, i just pretended like i was still searching for what made the sound. Once i thought they where hidden i left and started to search for more material.

                       (time skip to night)

Once i was done with getting materials i started to head to the witches hut. on my way there i couldn't stop thinking about the human i saw earlier. Once i was almost to the hut i saw the same human from earlier getting swarmed by zombies. I was bored so i decided to help the human kill all of the zombies. so I put done my stuff and started to head over there. I started to exploded the zombies when i got close to them. The human was confused on why i was helping kill the zombies. the human didn't say anything about it tho, so we just continued to kill the zombies.

(after killing all the zombies)

Once where where finished i left to go and grab my stuff to continue to the witches hut. When i got to the witches hut i knocked on the door, while i waited for the witch to come and open the door my mind drifted off to how beautiful the human looked fighting. I was shook out of my thoughts by the witch who looked sorta concerned on why i didn't respond when they first said my name. But the witch didnt ask any questions, they just invited me inside. Once i got inside i told the witch that i got the materials that they needed. the witch looked at me and said thank you and took the materials. I told the witch that i was gonna go now and i started to walk away but the witch said " why dont you stay the night, its already midnight and you should be getting some sleep" i was hesitant on it but agreed to stay the night. The witch offered me there bed but i told the " it's ur bed so you should sleep in it" the witch looked guilty for having me sleep on the couch and asked "are you sure? cus i really dont mind sleeping on the couch" but i insited on sleeping on the couch. The witch stopped after i said that and said "alright but if you need anything dont hesitate to knock on my door if i needed something. I said ok to that and went over to the couch and laid there thinking about human. about how beautiful the hair is and how i ever so wanted to touch it. i just laid on the couch for hours thing of the human, i soon started to drift off to dreamland...

~AUTHORS NOTE: Hi i hoped you liked my first chapter, but again if you didnt read the description this is just a joke and im just having fun. but yea, have a good night, moring, or afternoon :)~

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