Untitled Part 7

Depuis le début

"You don't understand how much I love you I can't ever get enough of you" he says in my ear. I smile and turn in his arms and kiss him on the lips.

"I love you" I say sincerely "We should go though” I smile out.

"Yes, right as ever baby" he says "but I forgot to give you these"

Harry pulls out a small black box and inside are the most dazzling black cuff links I’ve ever seen.

"Harry these are incredible" I say, they look really expensive "Thank you" I say looking into his eyes.

"Always" he says back.

I quickly change my cuff links. Harry takes my hand and we walk out of the room. I can't help but blush as we come face to face with security. I can see the small smile they give each other and I know they know what we were up too. It's a little embarrassing but I laugh as Harry looks at me. He gives me a triumphant smile, his dimples on display as we walk to the car.

The night starts off perfectly. Harry chose his main office building in London for the party and had one of the floors converted into a true Christmas wonderland. He has a lot of staff so obviously just the people working in his London building are attending along with some clients and important officials. When we arrive we head inside. The party is in full swing. Harry introduces me to many industry hot shots most of whom I've never heard of but, I act my ass off and go all out to impress these people for Harry. The drink on the way in has helped me relax a little and I'm able to work the room, laughing and chatting when necessary. Finally after a good few hours I'm able to go off in search for Niall and everyone else. I find them in the corner at a table near the dance floor drinking, laughing and eating. I walk over and sit on Niall's lap relaxing.

"Whoop whoo you look smashing tonight Louis" Gemma says to me.

"Thanks Gem, as do you, I didn't realise how much work is involved in these things its tiring" I laugh out.

"That's why I'm thankful I can sneak up the back" Zayn says as Andy hands him another beer.

"You looked like you were enjoying yourself, you were a natural working the room" Niall says puts his arm round my waist.

"Thanks, I hope I didn't embarrass Harry" I say.

"As if Louis" Barbara says from beside me "You’re the perfect package stop worrying" she says smiling at me.

"As are you baby" Niall tells Barbara and plants a kiss on her lips.

There are many "awes" from the table as Barbara blushes. I can’t help my smile. They are a very cute couple.

"Would you like a drink Kid?" Andy asks as I take a sip of Niall's scotch.

"I'd love one" I say smiling at him.

I can feel Harry's eyes on me and as I turn I see him standing in the centre of the room he smiles at me and saunters so gracefully over to our table, drawing the room’s attention as he does. His presence is so dominating it's such a turn on. He greets our group and comes back to my side and kisses me on the head.

Night Changes- Larry Stylinson- Sequel to Thinking Out LoudOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant