Chapter 8: The Important conversation with Draco

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A/N: The normal classes in the Harry Potter movies I won't be using there will just have the normal classes any normal human would have in school

Harry's POV

Waking up in the morning, I'm surprised to find Draco sitting next to me. My first instinct is to yell at him for being so close to me but then the events of last night come back to me. Oh shit Draco now knows that I get abused at home during the holidays

"I'm not going to tell anyone about what happens to you at home" Draco tells me after he realises that I'm awake

"Really?" I ask surprised that he wouldn't tell anyone

"Yeah its your choice who you tell and you trusted me when you told me last night what happened and I'm not going to break that trust, I know what its like to tell someone a secret and then they go behind you're back and tell someone else" Draco says "I'll leave so you can change and we do have classes this morning"

After Draco leaves I start to change into my school uniform, when I'm done I head done to the common room where after I meet with my friends, me, Draco, Hermione, Pansy, Ron and Blaise head done to have breakfast in the Great Hall so it has been since you start at this school. 5 minutes later we have all finished eating breakfast and our timetables have been handed out to us. Maths, English, Sport, Science and Humanities. 

"So what do you have today Harry?" Draco asks me

I show him my timetable and turns out we have the same classes today.

Time skip cause school classes are boring 

Back at the dorms

"So are we going to be together or something?" I ask Draco

"We can be if you want to be" Draco replies

"I'd like that" I reply to him

Suddenly my phone lights up with an incoming message

Petunia Dursley: Harry you probably don't want to hear from me but all those years of abuse I let Vernon put you through I didn't want to but he believed my sister was a freak and I didn't want to get involved and because I wouldn't get involved thats why he involved Dudley but you know Dudley never meant anything he did to you neither did I to be honest

Wow, I didn't Petunia was trying to protect me but stands to reason my mother did trust her sister and would of liked me to meet her sister and her family

Dudley Dursley: Harry you have probably heard from my mum but I wanted to say sorry for what I have done to you and I'm sorry, I understand if you don't forgive me

A/N: I'm gonna end this chapter here. Will Harry forgive Petunia and Dudley or won't he. Yes I've changed Petunia and Dudley they are nice now guess you have to wait for the next chapter to find out of Harry will forgive them

That Dumb Blond Harry x DracoTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang