Chapter 12: Summer break

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Harry's POV

Time skip to end of 6th year

"I can't believe that we made it to the end of 6th year" Ron exclaims as they are walking to Hogsmeade Station to take the train back home. 

On the Hogwarts Express

"Harry I wrote to my parents and you're staying with us over the summer break" Draco tells Harry as the train proceeds back to the station

"Ok" I respond to Draco

'Hey Harry" Ginny said as she walked into the compartment that Harry, Draco, Hermione and Ron shared

"Hey Ginny what's up" Harry asked

"Nothing much just coming to talk to my brother and his friends" Ginny responds

Ginny sat down in the compartment to talk to the other friends who were in the compartment as the train slowly progressed towards the station where the students would then go home or meet with their parents. The friends casually chat for the rest of the train ride back then 30 minutes later the train starts to slow and pulls into the platform. Parents of the students litter the platform waiting for their children. The friends collect their belongings and proceed to make their way off the train.

"Hi Harry how was your term?" Molly Weasley asks

"Fine, but I'm staying with Draco for this summer break" Harry replies to Molly's question 

"You mean you're staying with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy?" Arthur Weasley asks in disbelief

"Yes" Harry replies

Draco pulls Harry away from the Weasleys over to where his parents are waiting for them

Draco's POV

God I'm nervous for Harry to meet my parents. I mean I did this so he wouldn't have to go back to those abusive people who he was made to stay with.

 I mean I did this so he wouldn't have to go back to those abusive people who he was made to stay with

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(A/N: For anyone who doesn't know who Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy are. I don't own the art Credits to Nikita jobson, i found this on Pinterest)

"So this is Harry Potter? Lucius asked his son

"Yes," I reply to my father's question

"Isn't he the son of James Potter and Lily Evans, who Sirius Black was friends with at Hogwarts" Narcissa asked

"Yeah" Harry replies to Narcissa's question

Just then Harry's phone lights up with an incoming message

Petunia Dursley: I'm assuming that you are spending the summer break with some friends from your school?

Harry Potter: Yeah I am, I'm staying with Draco and his parents

Petunia Dursley: And who is Draco? Your boyfriend *winking face emoji*

Harry Potter: Yeah, got a problem with it

Petunia Dursley: No I haven't got a problem with it, just so long as your happy

Harry Potter: Ok then

After that short conversation with Petunia, the group of four decide to leave the station and head back to Malfoy Manor. After about 45 minutes of Lucius driving  Harry starts to feel tired considering their school is far away so he decides to go to sleep using Draco as a pillow. 


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(A/N: I don't own any of this art but that is like how Harry feel asleep on Draco)

Narcissa turned around from the front passenger seat.

"Oh My God Lucius look at Harry and Draco" Narcissa exclaimed

"Yes, " Lucius said as he looked in the rear view mirror to look at Harry and Draco

"Mom stop you're going to wake Harry up"  I said

"I thought you were asleep" Narcissa replied

"Well I wasn't but Harry is" I replied

After about an hour and 25 minutes later of driving the Malfoys and Harry reach Malfoy Manor. Sometime during the drive Harry had woken up again and the rest of the drive progressed with alot of awkward questions aimed at the boys from Narcissa about their relationship (Narcissa is a mother so she knows when Draco has tried to hide things from her, so automatically she has caught onto the fact that Draco and Harry are dating) 

As the group of four walk into Malfoy Manor Remus and Sirius are standing in the entrance hall.

"Harry, this is Sirius Black, your godfather" Lucius states in case Harry didn't already know that

"I have a godfather" Harry exclaims

"Yes" I reply to him

"So I didn't need to go back to the Dursleys every time school ended for the summer" Harry asks still not quite sure of the situation for himself

"No you didn't" Narcissa replied "Honestly I don't know what Dumbledore was thinking sending you their when Remus and Sirius could have looked after you"

Harry and Sirius hesitantly head toward each other and embrace the other in a hug not quite believing it for themselves

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