Chapter 1: Worst summer ever

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Harry's POV 

4 Privet Drive

Ugh this is the worst ever. Waking up in the morning with a pounding headache is the worst. Everytime I move it hurts like hell. I hate coming home for the summer. Normally I would stay with Ron or Hermione but with everything that is going on right now Dumbledore said I have to go home to my aunt and uncle's house.  

"BOY get down here NOW" my uncle Vernon yelled from downstairs

"Coming" I reply already knowing what was gonna happen

When I finally manage to get up I look in the full length mirror leaning against my wall. My arms , my legs and my chest are covered in ugly, purple swelling bruises. This is gonna be hard to hide but i have been hiding them so far. Making my way downstairs my rude cousin Dudley has just decided to push me down the stairs. GREAT another bruise to add to my growing collection of bruises on my body.

"Yes Uncle Vernon?" I hesitantly ask already knowing what was gonna happen


"But I didn't hurt Dudley, he must be lying I've been in the room that you look me in every day" I replied but knowing it was hopeless. Dudley always gets what he wants. The spoiled brat he is. If he wants a new computer he gets it, if he wants a new thing, Petunia and Vernon will always give him what he wants.

Vernon raised his fists and I knew what was coming. Can't avoid it. He's been beating me since i could walk. Ever since going to Hogwarts has been like going to paradise away from the 'family' beating me everyday. 20 minutes later I'm lying bruised and sore on the ground. Why? What did i ever do to deserve this life.  Oh yeah thats what. Lord Voldermort who killed my parents. Now that you mention it he died and no body knows how or why. I have a feeling that Draco did something tho. Funny he has weirdly cared about me since 3rd year. 

"BOY get up now and go to your room. Dudley has friends coming over and they don't need to see you." Petunia screechs at me from the kitchen

"Yes aunt Petunia" I reply

I stand and it hurts like hell. Everytime Vernon or Petunia or Dudley hurt me it hurts more and more and its even harder to get up everytime. I trudge up the stairs to my room everything hurts right now and theres nothing I can do about it. Stupid dumbledore making me go back to this heel hole of a family. My phone is lying on my bed normally Vernon and Petunia wouldn't buy me a phone but it was needed for Hogwarts so the school can let us know about important things.

From downstairs I hear the doorbell ring. Great now Vernon is going to lock me in here so I don't so called annoy Dudley and his friends. From inside my room I can hear Vernon trudge up the stairs. The door flies open luckily I wasn't standing right behind the door.

"BOY your friends have decided to come today so you know the rules" Vernon yells at me from the bedroom door 

From behind Vernon my two best friends Ron and Hermione walk into my room. Honestly this is the first time they have ever been in my room. They don't know that my aunt and uncle pretty much lock me in this room all of the summer holidays

"So what are you guys doing here?" I ask hoping that they have a valid reason for being here

"Well we had nothing else to do so we decided to come see you" Ron answers in reply to my question

"You guys are aware that we will be getting dorms" Hermione tells us in her voice that she expects us to know this but of course we didn't 

"No" I hesitantly reply knowing full well that we are going to get a lecture about this from Hermione

"Well you boys obviously don't listen. It was on the school website, it was on the school app plus Dumbledore did mention it like a million times before we broke up for the school holidays. Its going to be sorted by boy-boy and girl-girl. Plus they are getting rid of the house system at school because all of the students were competing against each other and Dumbledore wants us to be more nicer to other students." Hermione states in a  matter of fact voice as she does cause she is the brightest student in the school. 

"Well Hermione not all of us listen to every little detail that the teachers tell us at school" Ron states to Hermione

"Yeah but you should cause how are you going to make it through school otherwise" Hermione replies

"We listen in classes, we just listen to the things that are important to us to make it through school." Ron states to Hermione

While my two friends fight and I try to do something else to focus on other than my friends fighting. Suddenly my phone lights up with a message. Strange the only people who have my number are Ron, his boyfriend Blaise, Hermione and her girlfriend Pansy the two ex-slytherin students as they got rid of the house system at Hogwarts only have my number if they need to contact me cause Ron or Hermione isn't answering them

Strange. Why would Draco be texting me. Why does Draco even have my number. How did Draco even get my number?

"Hey Harry you texted you?" Hermione asked. Trust Hermione to be curious about who was texting me.

"No one" I lie. The thing is I'm a pretty good liar so my friends can't tell when I'm lying to them. It's how I've gotten gotten away with not telling them that Uncle Vernon, Aunt Petunia and Dudley abuse me at home.

I could have gone to my godfather's house when Voldermort killed my parents but of course Dumbledore overuled Sirius as being a suitable guardian for me so now I have to live with my mom's sister Petunia and her horrible family. Sirius may be a little irresponsible but his husband Remus is not irresponsible so I could have lived with Sirius and Remus but Dumbledore got the final say in this matter. I guess I could text Draco back. See what my enemy is up to I mean i never did anything to make Draco mu enemy he just kinda started hating me for no reason. Hermione and Ron reckon he's doing this to hide the fact that he has a crush on me. I don't know nor do I care.

Harry Potter: What do you want Malfoy?

A/N: Found this on Pinterest. Credits go to original artist of the fanart. by Innamorato Del Mio Fratellastro 

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