iv. Mark II

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Tony puts the joystick in his right hand into his left as he uses his right hand to power up the suit. He takes the second joystick from his left hand as he calls out, "Okay. Activate hand controls." The boots power up as he moves his legs, getting used to the boots on his feet, "We're gonna start off nice and easy. We're gonna see if ten percent thrust capacity achieves lift. And three, two, one." Tony blasts off, crashing into the upper wall before falling down to the ground.

Tony groans out in pain as Amelia gasps before she asks, "Daddy, are you okay?"

Tony groans out again as he replies, "Yeah, sprout. Daddy is okay." Dum-E turns the fire extinguisher and uses it on the billionaire, causing Amelia to let out a giggle.

Tony spends the next few days working on flight stabilizers as Amelia watches him work. When Tony finally gets to test the flight stabilizer, Amelia sits next to him with her head on table, falling asleep as Tony clicks the stabilizer onto his arm. The billionaire looks to his right and sees Pepper putting in her code before she enters the workshop, carrying a file of papers underneath a wrapped package with a mug balancing on top. Tony instructs a robot arm working with him, "Up two. Alright, set that."

Pepper walks over to Tony as she says, "I've been buzzing you. Did you hear the intercom?"

Without looking at the strawberry blonde, he replies, "Yeah, everything's... What?"

Pepper places down the things in her hand as she tells the Stark, "Obadiah's upstairs."

"Great, great. I'll be right up," Tony says as he dismisses Pepper.

The strawberry blonde turns to Tony, asking him, "What would you like me to tell him?"

Tony doesn't hear her as he lifts up his arm with the stabilizer, holding it out in front of him as he sighs, "Okay."

Pepper walks over to him, stopping next to a sleeping Amelia as she says, "I thought you said you were done making weapons."

Tony rolls his left shoulder before putting down his left arm, leaving his right arm extended as he replies, "It is. This is a flight stabilizer." Tony leans forward and presses a red button with his left hand before continuing, "It's completely harmless." The flight stabilizer powers up before it shoots out a big beam of energy, flinging Tony back. The loud noise causes Pepper to cover her ears, turning away as Amelia jolts awake, sitting up in her seat. Pepper turns back to Tony, who groans out, "I didn't expect that."

A couple minutes later, Tony walks up the steps as Amelia trudges after him. In the living room, Obadiah plays the piano and Pepper sits on the couch as she works on her laptop. Tony walks over to the couch as he asks the older man, "How'd it go?" Tony stops walking when he sees a box of pizza from New York as Amelia walks past him to sit on the couch next to Pepper. Tony walks over to the couch, eyes on the pizza as he says, "Oh, it went that bad, huh?"

Without looking up from the piano, Obadiah replies, "Just because I brought pizza back from New York doesn't mean it went bad."

Tony sits down and opens the pizza box, sarcastically saying, "Uh-huh. Sure doesn't." When he smells the delicious pizza, he lets out, "Oh, boy." Tony grabs a piece and hands it over to Amelia before he takes a piece for himself, closing the box when he is done. The little girl sits on the couch between Pepper and Tony as she quietly munches on her pizza.

Obadiah stops playing the piano as he tells the billionaire, "It would have gone better if you were there."

"Uh-uh," Tony disagrees as he takes a bite of the pizza. He sticks his hand in the air and shakes his head before replying, "You told me to lay low. That's what I've been doing." Obadiah walks around as Tony picks up a napkin and starts waving it around, "I lay low, and you take care of all..."

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