"Oh wow, you're so deep aren't you?" Ray poked, "Who knew you would be such a thinker for someone to have such normal results for the test?"

"Hah? Not my fault, the tests are so boring. Why bother trying?"

"For real!" Emma agreed, "The tests are so overwhelming!"

Norman also had to agree, "True, I can understand why some people wouldn't bother trying, but didn't mama say it's for your future? You should at least try on today's test to experiment, I'm sure you would get 300 points like the rest of us."

"Ugh fine," Willow exhaled, "I guess it wouldn't hurt to try at least on one of the tests."

"That's the spirit!"

"What spirit? She basically sleeps all day!"

"Hey! No Willow slander!"

"Ow! Don't hit me there!"

"Yeah, beat him up for me, Emma."

"Willow, Emma, Ray, Norman!" Isabella called, "Why are you guys outside in the cold so early? Come back in!"

"Alright," they all replied simultaneously.

To live as long as possible in Grace Field, you'd either have to work your hardest to live at least at the age of twelve before dying or become a mama, a job only certified to women with high test scores.

However, since Willow had no interest in none of those, she didn't see the point in trying at all, thus only ever gaining points that placed her towards the average or above average grade, but never satisfactory.

[Question 1: Please give the formula that can be derived from the following conditions.]

But due to Norman's words and Emma's enthusiasm, Willow thought it wouldn't hurt to try at least once. She wasn't intelligent, but she had photographic memory which would boost her score from the amount of books she covered in her previous life.

[Question 7: Give the 16th term of this sequence.]

Though, it was true that Willow doesn't study anymore since she vowed that she would live a normal life as a child of Grace Field, she couldn't deny the fact that the orphanage library carried an abundance of well written books.

[Question 21: Count the total amount of cubes in the following composite solid.]

Especially William Minerva, his use of morse code to communicate with the children in the orphanage was a smart move in his part, it would be a few years until the trio would find out about the truth behind Grace Field and the farm.

[Question 39: Please select the figure from the following that could not be a possible net of solid B.]

Willow would help them, but it would be more beneficial for both parties if she didn't do anything to disturb the plot. Plus, she did say she wanted to live as a simple child without much expectations in this house. Ah, how she hated expectations.

[Question 45: Select the figure that corresponds to the region of the cartesian plane described by the following inequality.]

With a sigh, the ravenette answered the last few series of questions of the exam. It was surprisingly a bit challenging for the girl, but those "challenging" questions were only ever the pebbles of the test compared to what her parents made her go through.

Willow shivered in the remembrance of being isolated in her office, her pen scratching the surface of the sheet of paper for hours straight in order to get a scolded in return for misspelling a single word by accident.

"I'm beat..."

"I'm pretty sure I got a half correct!"

"Wow, really? I probably had none."

"Man, my hands is so sticky from sweat!"

"Eww... why would you say that?"

Isabella cleared her throat, gaining everyone's attention, "I'll be returning your exam scores, everyone! Emma, Ray, Susan, Norman, and... oh my, Willow! Splendid job you four, you each got perfect scores!"

"Really? Willow got 300, too?" one of the boys whined, "Man, they really rubbed their smartness on her! Hey, let me join your little group too!"

"I know right! They're so young but they already get perfect scores!"

Norman chuckled while Emma ran towards Willow in her iconic ball of sunshine-like manner, "You did it! You really got 300!"

"Who knew bird brain over here could would actually get a perfect score?" Ray provoked, "If you keep on trying, you might get another 300 again."

Willow slumped on her chair and groaned, "No... too tired. I'd rather not do that again..."

"Wha- are you kidding? Come on, the tests aren't that long, just make an effort for awhile and do your lazy thing afterwards!"

"Mah mah, you're so annoying..."

"Says you!"

Isabella furrowed her brows as she observed the tanned girl within her view, finally recognizing the fact that Willow's slothful attitude held her back on her intellect.

—fun fact(s) of the day—

・this chapter was actually supposed to be when norman caught a cold, but im reserving that for next chapter

・ray didn't realize how wrong the nickname "willy" sounded until he actually said it out loud, he immediately regretted it

ray and norman already knows about willow's intellectual ability after they noticed how much she visits the library. emma doesnt since shes too dense

・willow's original identification number was supposed to be 911378, but it was too long so i changed it to 91194 like the others but it was too similar to ray's number, so i had to change it to 96194 (69 haha funny number lol xd)

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