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♪( 'θ`)ノ warning- nothing!

・3rd pov

The cold fleck of snow stung her flushed cheeks as Willow looked up at the blanket of white on the ground. With reluctance, her gloved fingers pulled her knitted scarf closer to her face, shielding herself from the winter frost.

The trees around the vicinity was dampened by the snowflakes' touch, forming beautiful miniature icicles at the ends of the branches.

Years passed ever since the day Willow vowed that she would live a normal and simple life as a child of Grace Field, no studying or escaping whatsoever.

In her opinion, she did pretty good if it wasn't for the trio that kept bombarding the ravenette with annoying games and study sessions. In fact, they kept bothering her so much that she was already part of their little squad according to the other children of the orphanage.

She couldn't even escape them whenever they went out for her and Willow didn't have the heart to deny their requests, I mean come on! Who could say no to Emma?

A clatter of footsteps followed out the door revealing the familiar toddler trio to Willow.

"Will, there you are!" Emma beamed, running over to the dandelion-eyed girl.

Willow silently cringed at Emma's choice of nickname and shook her head, "I told you to stop calling me Will, it makes me sound like I'm a boy."

"Then how about Willy?" Ray teased.

"Are you joking," Willow deadpanned, "That makes me sound like I'm a peni-"

"Shhh! Don't say that word!" Emma wailed, "Mama already took out the swear jar since last month!"

"How about Willa?" Norman reasoned, wrapping his arms towards his chest, "It sounds like a girl's name, and it doesn't sound inappropriate either."

"Yeah, it's cute too," the redhead added in with her head nodding vigorously. If Willow looked closely enough, she could've sworn she saw puppy ears and a tail behind Emma.

"Please, that makes Willow sound like an old grandma!" Ray laughed.

"Can't you guys just call me by my normal name like you guys do with each other?" Willow asked as she played with her amber ribbons, "I mean I don't really see the point in making a nickname if my name alone isn't that long."

"I guess you're right," Emma pouted. Ah, Willow could definitely see the dog ears drooping.

The quartet stood next to each other in a comfortable silence, watching as the sparks of snow landed directly at the bed of white.

"Hate to break the good atmosphere, but why are we up so early again?" Ray pointed out.

Emma shrugged, "I don't know, I was trying to find Willow since she wasn't sleeping."

"I just followed the both of you out here, so I'm not sure myself," Norman chuckled.

The three all looked at Willow expectedly, waiting for a response from the golden-eyed girl who turned to them in confusion, "Huh? What were you guys talking about?"

Ray tried his best to suppress a groan while Norman nervously laughed at the girl's airhead attitude.

Emma, being the ball of sunshine she is, answered for her, "Why were you out here so early in the cold?"

"Ohh," Willow responded, "I'm actually not sure myself, just thinking."

"About what?"

The ravenette eyed the girl before continuing, "About anything, really. The possible and impossible, the past and the future, the normal and abnormal."

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