Future Mrs: "Fuck you heard that? 🤦🏻‍♀️"

Me: "I did, but I was extremely jealous of the shower head or your fingers.  It was very hot.  I think about it often lol"

Future Mrs:  "I am so embarrassed.  I am going to die now"

Me: Don't be L.  It's not like I haven't heard it before."

Future Mrs: "Thanks I am just finishing up at the office and heading home soon."

Me: Meet me at this restaurant,  just sitting down to have a bite."

I quickly send her a pin of where I am and try to adjust myself after that conversation.

30 minutes later she shows up and I get up and get her from the front. Placing my hand on the small of her back and walking back to the table.

"How did your meeting go with Rachel?" I ask her, as she looks through the menu.

"Really well thanks. She said that Jays Management is happy with the changes you are making and to keep up the good work. They like reading good stories about you in the press," she gives me a warm smile.

The waitress comes back and takes Logan's order. She sits back in her chair and I can see how tired she is.

"You want to get this to go and we can eat at home. You look tired," I say.

"It's okay, might as well eat here now and it's a nice place with a great view," she says looking out the window.

"I am particularly fond of the view myself," looking right at her smiling.

"Stop it," she says blushing.

"Not a chance. You bring out the playful, flirty side of me," moving my chair a little closer to her.

She doesn't stop me or move away and I smile.  I place my hand on her leg and she raises her eyebrow at me.

"What is it that you are doing?" she asks taking a sip of her diet coke.

"What does it look or feel like I am doing?" I say with a playful smirk.

"Well it looks like you and pressing your luck that I won't remove you hand, but it feels like that time back in high school when you were trying to cop a feel without my parents noticing," she says smirking.

I laugh a little remember 19 year old me and how I couldn't keep my hands off Logan. Hell if she would let me I wouldn't keep my hands off her now.

I don't push my luck too much and just leave my hand on her leg. To my surprise she doesn't move it or ask me to move it.

Well I guess we are making progress there as well I think to myself.

We have a nice dinner and head back to my house. Logan walks into the house and heads up stairs.

"I think I may try out that hot tub I saw on your deck," she says with a smile.

"Go right ahead. You want some company?" I ask her.

"If you behave yourself, then sure," she says walking up and going to change.

I head up stairs and change into my swim trunks. I grab a couple of towels and head out to the back deck.

I uncover the hot tub and slide in. The heat feels nice on my muscles. I have been working them hard in the gym lately trying to stay busy and work off my built up sexual tension.

I hear the back door open and see Logan come out in just her bikini. I can't help, but stare and my eyes roam her body.

"I wasn't sure about this one. I know I have lost some weight, I am just not sure I am tones enough to pull this off," she says quickly getting under the water.

"You look hot as hell in that bikini. Please wear it more often around here," giving her a wink and adjusting myself a little.

She blushes and bites her bottom lip and she sits down across from me.

I try to look anywhere on her where it won't result in me getting an even bigger hard on then I already have, but it's not use. No matter where I look this women gets me so turned on.

"So are you at least feeling some what at home now?" I ask.

"Yeah I am. This house is great and very you. I bet it's great in the summer time with it being right on the lake and all," she says looking out at the water.

"It is, but I don't get to enjoy it a lot with being away and living in my condo downtown for the season. If I get a long stretch off though I come here to get away," I say.

"It would be great to get away here in the summer time," she says relaxing a little more.

"You are more than welcome to come and use it anytime," I tell her.

"Thanks  I appreciate the offer," she says smiling.

I move a little closer to her, I really can't stay away too long and I hope she doesn't mind.

"What are you doing?" she asks looking at me.

"Something I know we both want me to do," sitting beside her.

"Tom, we can't do this right now," she says looking at me.

"Says who? We are both adults, there is nothing in the contract either of us signed. Believe me I went through it a lot to make sure. So all that is stopping this is us," putting my hand on her legs again.

She looks at me and bites her lips again and I know she is thinking about what I just said.

"Stop doing that it drives me insane when you bite your lip like that," I say running my thumb across her lips.

She does it again and this time I feel her move my hand higher on her thigh.

"Fuck you are killing me here. There is only so much control I have before I take you right here," I say.

"Then take me, but not here. In your bed," she whispers.

"Are you sure, god I am going to kill myself for asking you that if you say no," I say looking at her.

"I am sure. I thought about it in the shower the other night. Why do you think I was so loud," giving me a sexy smile.

"Fuck I am going to make you cum till the sunrises," I say grabbing her hand and standing her up.

I get out first and throw her over my shoulder and hear her laughing as I start to climb the stairs.

I put her on my bed and she looks so beautiful laying there. "You positive?" I ask again.

"Very positive. So positive I'll do this." Watching as she unties her top letting it fall off her and she shimmies out of her bikini bottoms.

I lean in and kiss her hard on the lips and press into her. She wraps her legs around and starts to push against me.

"Fuck", I think to myself. This woman is going to be the death of me.

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