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Over the last month I have been getting better. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol since Logan and I cleaned out my house and to tell you the truth I feel great.

I have been going to therapy twice a week and sorting through all my bullshit and guilt that had been eating me up inside and I really didn't think talk to some would help, but I am starting to feel like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders.

Thanks to Logan I have made a few public appearances and they all have gone smoothly.  Management seems to be very impressed according to the report Mark has given me.

On the Logan front, she has been warming up to me a little bit everyday and we try to have dinner at least together.  She has been really busy with other clients on top of me and she is usually gone in the mornings before I get up, but she checks in through out the day to make sure I am on my best behavior.

We haven't kissed again since the night of the hockey game and she does everything in her power to avoid talking about it.  I think she thinks that if we talk about it we'll do it again and this time we probably won't stop.

I am not going to lie, but kissing her and hearing her say she wants me too made me the happiest I have been in god knows how long. 

That night I just wanted to take her in my room and make her mine all over again, but I get she doesn't want this to mess up her career.  She worked hard to get where she is and I respect and admire that about her.

So I am stuck with a lot of cold showers and my hand to help me through these next 3 months. 

I know she is feeling the sexual tension as well.  She had been walking around for the last week wound tighter then a top and that night after we had worked out together in the gym, I saw the desire in her eyes after we were both finished and sweaty. 

She was the closest I have seen to breaking down and jumping me, but she took off up the stairs and into the shower.  She forgets though how vocal she is when she gets off and I caught the ending of her orgasm as walked past the bathroom.

Needless to say after hearing that I need the world's coldest shower.

Today after I finished up my latest therapy session I dropped by one of my favorite spots in Muskoka.  It was this cute little restaurant that I discovered my first night here.

I went in and sat down at my usual table and the waitress came over and took my order.  While I am waiting for my order my phone pings and I look down and it's Logan or as she appears in my phone "Future Mrs."

Future Mrs: "Just checking in to see how your session went today."

Me: "Great, making good progress.  Slow progress, but moving forward."

Future Mrs: Proud of you.  Glad the process is moving you forward.  Soon you won't need me at all 😊"

Me: "I'll always need you. You are my air 😊"

Future Mrs:  "Sweet talker.  If we were going out I would ask you of you were looking to get lucky lol 😉"

Me: "With you I am lucky, but if you are asking if I want to see you naked.  The answer is always hell yes 🍆"

Future Mrs: "You did not just text me an eggplant emoji"

Me: "Well I could have sent the real thing, but I am at a family friendly restaurant and that would have ruined all the progress we made cleaning up my image."

Future Mrs: "🤣"

Me: "There is always tonight for you to experience the really thing.  He can satisfy you better than your fingers or the shower head 😉"

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