The dance

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Still bose's pov

I was having so much fun dancing with Mika i didn't realise i was staring at her. When the dance ended we looked at eachother and didn't look away. I held Mika's hands and put one hand on her cheek as we both started to lean in... I kissed her passionately and she kissed back?! I was so focused on Mika i didn't realise the others walked in. I heard Chapa yelling "AAAAAH I CALLED IT #BOMIKA" we pulled away and looked at them in shock "CHAPA!" Mika yelled "what? You guys are cute together" she said "Chapa!" Mika said before running after a laughing Chapa. Miles came up to me and whispered "don't hurt her" "I won't" I replied before running after Mika before she murders Chapa.

I catched up with the girls just in time cuz mika was about to use her power on Chapa. Before she could use it I grabbed her and put her on my shoulders "BOSE LET ME GO" she screamed "no! You need to chill out" I replied. I took her to her house and went to her room as I dropped her on the bed i looked around because i never got a good look of her room. Mika was laying on her bed with her back turned to me

"come on you're seriously not mad are you?" I asked looking at her "I'm mad but not at you... I'm mad at Chapa" she said while she sat up "wait why?" I asked "didn't you notice? She shipped us" she explained "she what now?" I asked confused "right? That's something Chapa never would do" she said "yup it's weird and creepy" I sat while sitting down on the side of her bed "super creepy" mika said then there was a awkward silence "I really liked the dance" mika then said breaking the silence "yeah me too" I confessed. We looked at eachother and started laughing. Mika laughed so hard she fell off her bed but i catched her before she hit the ground. I looked her in the eyes and so did she as we both started to lean in (again) this time she kissed me and i kissed her back. I put my hand on her cheek and the other on her waist as she put her arms around my neck.

Mika's pov

I was so focused on Bose that i didn't even think about what i was doing (that's a first) anyway I didn't want to pull away but I still did. When i looked at Bose i started smiling and he smiled back and then he asked something i always wanted to be.....

OOF CLIFFHANGER!! What will Bose ask?

New love? (bomika story)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя