I love you

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Mika's pov
As i was sitting next to bose's bed i watched him sleep peacefully 'bose i don't know if you can hear me since you're a deep sleeper but please be okay you're my best friend I don't know what i would do without you' I stopped for a second to think about the words  was about to say then I said it 'I love you as more than a friend' I said, the last part quietly but hoping Bose heard it.

As I was about to get up to leave I felt something grab my hand. It was Bose, he was awake, i was about to scream but then I remembered what the doctor said and i sat back down in the chair. He smiled at me and I smiled back then he said
'I heard everything you said' I started blushing of embarrassment but tried to hide it then he said 'no need to be embarrassed' I was so surprised he said that cuz he never does that.

i didn't know what i was doing so i embraced him with a hug, he hugged me back and when I pulled back he sat up and smiled. I smiled back but I really wanted to know why he never told me about his disease so I asked 'why didn't you tell me about you're disease' his smile dropped i knew i shouldn't have asked that 'i'm sorry i shouldn't- he cut me off by saying 'i didn't want you and the others to worry' I already thought that was the reason 'you were coughing up blood and laying unconscious on the bathroom floor I already worried enough' I said laughing a little

Chapa's pov
As i was about to walk into bose's room to get Mika she walked out of the room with a huge smile on her face i immediately knew something happened 'what happened?' I asked while smirking 'I'll tell you later' she said. once when arrived at SWAG i immediately pulled mika into the closet 'so what happened?' I asked shaking her 'okay first of all stop shaking me, second of all CALM DOWN' she said 'okay okay sorry but spill it' i said almost shaking her again

'okay so when i was in his room
i watched him sleep and then i started talking to him but i didn't think he would hear it but he did' she explained 'what did you say?' I asked 'I told him to be okay and that he's my best friend and I wouldn't know what to do without him' she told me 'and...' she continued 'and what' I asked 'and I said that I love him... as more than a friend' I gasped 'NO WAY!!' I yelled

'shhhhh they don't need to hear us!' Mika said 'sorry but still it's so sweet I wonder what his reaction was' I said 'yeah about that...' she said 'what?' I asked 'The part where I said I love him more as a friend I said that quietly' she revealed 'What?! Why?!' I asked 'because I was to scared!' She said 'well you got to tell him someday because you can't hide it forever' I said 'yeah I know I'm just waiting for he right time' she said.

Miles's pov
I was still shocked of what happened to Bose. I hope he gets to go out of the hospital fast because there is a school dance in 2 weeks and he still hasn't asked anyone. I have a feeling mika wants to go with him because I can see the way she looks at him when he talks to another girl at school. It's like she's jealous, every time when I ask if she's okay she says she's fine but she clearly isn't. I wonder why she's acting like that because she never acts like that.

I was a little confused when I saw Chapa and Mika come out of the closet but it was probably girl talk which i never need to know was about.

*later that evening*
Still miles's pov
Since mika was showering i snuck into her room to find something that proofs why Mika was acting so weird. I searched and searched until..... I found a picture of mika and Bose with a heart around it! Are they dating??? Does mika has a crush on Bose?! Questions flew around my head when I heard the shower stop. oh no she coming!!! I quickly put the picture in my pocket and teleported to my room just in time because I could hear mika's room door opening.

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