Nikola walked around him and knelt, "Gunduz Bey, I like making people pay," and with that he thrust the dagger into Gunduz's arm, making him cry out in pain once again. Nikola twisted the dagger in his arm and pulled it out. He slowly stood and let himself out of the inn, wiping the blood of his dagger on the Alp's clothes as Sienna reluctantly put down her food, stepped on Gunduz's wounded arm and walked on it out of the inn, straightening her hood dramatically behind her as the soldiers followed.


"If the Kayis can gather this much gold in such a short time," Nikola started, stabbing the gold in the opened chest in front of him with his sword. They returned to their castle, and soon the soldiers brought the chests of gold they demanded from the Kayis after the agreement was broken.

"They will grow incredibly in a short time," Sienna finished, glancing at the six large chests filled with gold.

"Sienna, we must make a move."

"What should we do with the gold?"

Nikola stepped on the lid of the chest, closing it and replied, "It pleases me to be charitable. Let us give this to our people."

Sienna hid her smile and nodded. "So that their support of this conquest can grow," he completed, making Sienna glare at him from the corner of her eye. He tapped his foot, gesturing for the soldiers to hand out the gold.

"I will go too, Nikola," Sienna decided. It had been a while since she interacted with the citizens of Ingeol. Speaking to Mario reminded her of that yearning, and she thought helping them was the best way to converse. Nikola gave her a puzzled expression, then sighed and agreed. "Don't let them slack off though, Sienna. We still need their loyalty."

"How can they? You've already been so generous."

Nikola chuckled, then gestured for her to leave. She smiled and strode out of the room when she spotted a somewhat aged, intimidated man in the corridors. A Turk. She furrowed her brow and waited for him to walk over. "What happened, Turk? What are you doing here?" she questioned, raising an eyebrow.

Sienna noticed him gulp and smirked as he stuttered, "I-Is-" he cleared his throat. "Is Nikola inside?"

"It's Tekfur Nikola to you, and yes he is. What is your business with him?"

"That is none of your concern, Komutan."

Sienna exhaled heavily and walked past him. Nikola would tell her later. She rushed out of the fortress, meeting a gloomy, empty courtyard hidden behind the Castle's gate which led to the bazaar. There was no one around except for the guards. She sighed and made her way towards the gate, which was opened for her as she neared it when she spotted the soldiers. There were still a few more chests being carried. "Stop, soldiers."

They did as they were told, recognizing the soft yet firm female voice and put down the chests as she walked over to them. "How many people do you still need to hand them out to?" Sienna questioned.

"There are three more stalls and one house left. With your permission, we will hand them out," one of the soldiers replied.

"You six go to the stalls. You two come with me. We are going to the house." They nodded and split up as she said, and Sienna suddenly felt a change of atmosphere and mood as she strolled through the lively bazaar.

After a few minutes of walking, the soldiers pointed toward the house they were to visit, and Sienna exhaled to calm herself. The house was not more than ten feet tall and looked as if it had been there for decades. She also noticed that it was slightly crooked, and the wood that formed its roof had mostly fallen. Assuming the owners would be hungry, she grabbed a coin from her money pouch and gave it to the merchant by the apple stall beside her.

Sienna - Kurulus OsmanWhere stories live. Discover now