Stuck with him [Chapter 3] (pt.2/2)

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——-======——The boys walked through the woods looking for a clearing to settle for the rest of night. Dream had never been this far from his home, and here he was with a guy he just met and his horse.

"Soooo.... Sapnap, right?, umm Couldn't we just settle anywhere for the night?, I don't need a fancy clearing.." Dream muttered under his breath , walking in front of Sapnap.

"Well , I was gonna find a space so we don't get found easily by your family but I mean if you wanna stop here I guess we can." He stops in his tracks, moving to the side of the horse taking a bag off her saddle.

" Here, this has stuff to make a tent." Sapnap pulls himself up on to the lovely mare.

"I'm gonna go find a shop to buy food, I'll be back , and if I come back with you gone , I won't be scared to blow up the whole Emerald kingdom." Spanap spoke, while taking the horse and riding off into the woods.

Dream sighs , opening the back to see loads of fabrics and materials to form a tent to fit two people.

"Alright then, Guess it's up to me." He starts to set up the tent, taking all of the supplies out of the bag.


" Finally done!" As he finishes the tent , Dream hears a loud crunch of leaves behind him,, He grabs a stick from in front of him turning around to see what was about to attack him.

"Woah woah! It's fine, It's just me." Sapnap walks in on his horse , a large bag in his arms.

" Here have a apple, It has fiber, which helps you-"

" It helps people poop. I know, I'm not stupid dude." Dream takes the apple biting into its rose red skin.

"Well , I want you to get some sleep, I'll be on watch making sure no one comes to kill us."

Sapnap gets off the horse, taking her harness and tying it to the closest tree.

"I guess..." He waves Sapnap good night.

inside the tent Dream takes his shirt off to get more comfortable, there was no blanket , so it was very cold.


As the night progressed , Sapnap got more tired, He started to doze off, eye getting heavy..

Sapnap closes his eyes, falling into a heavy sleep...


Dream wakes up to the morning sun, glowing so brightly he is scared to open his eyes, He squints looking for the exit out of the tent, He feels around looking to find Sapnap, "Nothing." He spoke softly, He found the opening of the tent and went outside, the white horse was sitting down by a tree and Sapnap...

Sapnap sits against a tree, sleeping peacefully , holding on to his bow. Dream chuckles, taking his bow and arrows and putting them inside the tent, then he puts his hands around Sapnap, picking him up bridal style , and carrying him slowly to the tent.

Sapnap lays down curled up in a ball-like shape , hair messy and in his face.. His skin was clear and a beautiful tan, Dream watched as Sap slept seamlessly..

"Cute.." Dream whispers , leaving the tent and going to get food from the bag Sapnap had gotten yesterday.

He got an apple from the bag again, eating it slowly , forgetting to get his shirt back from the tent. He stared into the woods, watching all of the birds and bugs go around the grass,, He hums a song while closing his eyes, He focuses on his thoughts more than the things around him, the only thing that cut him off of what he was thinking was a loud sound of something falling over, and someone groaning in pain, Dream stands up to look for where the sound had come from, He looks into the bushes seeing something brown.. and short.

"Who.." Dream murmurs looking through the bushes, and as he brushes away a few branches he sees a boy.

"Woah?" He looks at the boy , eyes closed and ears down , a cape wrapped around his body like a blanket. Dream picked him up and set him on the back of the tree he was just laying on.

The boy slowly opened his eyes, going wide as he saw Dream next to him, the boy stood up fast, looking down at Dream.

"WHO ARE YOU!?" The boy screamed, waking Sapnap in the tent. He groaned as he crawled out standing up and being face to face with..

"George?" Sapnap rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up more.

"George?Like mushroom prince George?" Dream said in shock, Sapnap went to George and hugged him.

"It's so nice to see you again, how are things?" Sap says pulling away , looking at George's new outfit , A blue top and a red mushroom themed cape , Horns and ears browns on his head.

"Just fine until I heard my mother tell me the Emerald prince was kidnapped." He punched Sapnap's shoulder ,and laughing a bit before getting close and kissing his cheek.

"You're so silly, love." George's accent was heavy and hard to understand but it was nice and pretty sounding.

"Oh.. You're dating each other?" Dream felt a pinch in his stomach, and a twist that made him feel sick.. why did he feel like this?

"Oh yeah.. We started to date a month ago, and I'd say we're happy right?" George looks at Sapnap with a serious face.

"Yes, very happy." They kiss each other on the lips as Dream stands up to get more food.

"I should go, Please don't get caught by my guards , Darlinglast time you did you almost died." George waves goodbye walking back into the forest, Mushrooms grow from the ground as he goes off.

"Can you get your shirt on." Sapnap mutters quickly, throwing his jacket at dream.

"I am!, I am!," He gasps running into the tent and swiftly grabbing his shirt , Sapnap watches him do this, laughing a bit when he almost tripped and face planted.

"We need to start moving, Guards can use George's mushrooms as a way to find us." Sapnap announced , taking the horse's harness and untying it.

Dream and Sapnap got all their stuff before getting on the horse and riding over to the Obsidian kingdom once again.

While they rode through the woods, the green trees flying by Dream held on to Sapnaps waist again as he heard someone calling his name.

"Clay !" a voice yells from far behind, Dream nudges Sapnap to stop his horse, and He gets down running into the arms of his best friend.

"Karl!" He hugs Karl , spinning around making Karl float a bit off the ground.

"Clay hi!, I've been looking everywhere- AH!" An arrow flies by his face, cutting him a bit.

"Sapnap!" Dream snaps his head backwards facing Sapnap aiming his bow and arrows right at Karl.

"You said you weren't gonna get recruits." He scoffed , aiming his weapon to the floor.

"I didn't call anyone, He found me himself," He wraps his arm around Karl's shoulder grinning,"Nice job using that tracking spell!" They laugh a bit as Sapnap is still frustrated with this new guy.

"Can we hurry,Dream?It takes five hours to even get to the border line of the Obsidian kingdom!" Sapnap yells at Dream

Dream chuckles pulling Karl to the side.

"Please call me Dream for now." Karl nods frantically.

"Of course sir!," Karl looks right into Sapnaps eyes, watching them glow in the sunlight , like a flame not going out but growing bigger.

"I'm coming with you two." Karl commands.

"Okay.. Fine. Just don't get us in trouble." Sapnap groans in protest , Helping Dream back up on the horse and..

"How are you..?" He questions as Karl snaps his fingers, He becomes a small animal, A rabbit to be specific, " He knows a morphing spell, heh." Dream chuckles holding his new rabbit friend in his arms...

Karl and George :)
i'm gonna mention this now cause hehehe funny.
But every time I type George is auto correct to georgette

**Edit : I realized I had alot of spelling errors in this. so I fixed them lmao**

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