The hole in his heart

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As eren was walking to the barracks he was quite happy no one could recognise him under the hoody. "I'll be at barracks to see mikasa and armin in no time" as he kept walking he a heard a couple laughing and he didn't know why but he just wanted to see who it was cause they sounded so peaceful and happy it reminded him of him and mikasa as kids. As he turn the corner with a smile he seen the couple an his heart dropped and he fell on his knees.
Mi-mikasa ? He whispers
He can see mikasa and Jean happy in eachother arms laughing

Mikasa pov

"I wish titans never existed the world would be so much peaceful and we can do what ever we want care free", mikasa says to Jean while still in his arms

"I agree with you mikasa",Jean says and hugs her tighter

Eren pov

As I was watching mikasa and Jean in eachother arms my heart dropped tears came down my face but I stood strong. Before I was about to leave I heard mikasa say something about "she wished titans never existed ", eren knew she wasn't talking about him but seeing mikasa with Jean made him think everything must of changed now he doesn't know what to think. So I decided to walk to captain Levi office to inform him I'm still alive.
As I got up and wiped my tears off my face I looked back at mikasa and Jean in a distance and said "goodbye mikasa I will always love you I know I never deserved you I hurt you I even tried to kill you a trost when I couldn't control my titan power. Your better off without me. You look really happy with Jean and when your happy I'm happy as I blew a kiss to mikasa in a imagination kind of way ", and then said "I'm a monster you don't deserve to be with me ", and then started to walk to levis office

Mikasa pov

As me and Jean were laughing and me still in his arms I had this feeling like we were being watched. But it was a similar feeling I just can't put a finger on it. So I got up and looked at my surrounding and then seen to be seemed like a teenage boy in a survey corps cope walking off slowly. As I was about to sit down I started to think that boy looks familiar the body shape, muscular,and built in even places, it was like ERENS but he died it cant be eren. As I was takeing my seat I looked back again at that boy and there was a something which caught my eye. He was wearing a red scarf. I shot up and ran to him thinking it was eren as tears fell down my face as the boy turned the corner I got there not long after and when I turned the corner he was gone.
"Mikasa what's wrong !!", Jean says running to her

"I thought I saw eren", mikasa said with tears falling down her face

"It was your imagination mikasa. When you think about someone a lot and miss them your mind plays tricks with you", Jean says

"Mikasa just nods. Your proberly right Jean, but it felt so real" mikasa replies

"Let's just go for another walk somewhere away from here " jeans says

Mikasa nods and walks with Jean. But mikasa kept looking back hopeing to see that boy again that boy who she thought was eren.
As tears fall down her face and holding her neck where that scarf has always been which is not there anymore


As I was walking away from mikasa and Jean I heard footsteps comming fast behind me . I knew it was mikasa so I sprinted as fast as I can and turned the corner and disappeard. That was a close one, as I was walking to levis office I couldn't stop thinking about mikasa. Why didn't I just stop to tell her I'm alive ? I ask myself . But I knew I can't let her know I'm alive she's happy now and she must of chucked my scarf away cause she was over me. As I got to levis office I wiped my tears off and then knocked
"Come in " Levi says

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