" Dude, ask her out." The guy said.

" He did and she did technically say yes." Sarah said sitting up on the couch.

" Huh? Explain to us how she 'technically' said yes." The guys said putting his hand on his hip.

" They we're making friends with some jock and he asked her out. And he used that to ask her out." Sarah explained.

" Yeah... she doesn't care about that. This sounds totally fake and it's really cheesy. But she likes when people are themselves. She doesn't like when people act like something their not, and she knows when someone is." The lady says. " She admires when someone is just themselves. Nothing more, nothing less."

" Noted." I say mostly to myself. Then from the back of the house there was a crash and sound of guitar strings being played.

" Jacob, if I walk out of this bathroom and that guitar is broken...you're dead." MJ said. It wasn't yelled it was just audible from where she was in the house.

" It's not broken or anything, but I'm making the smart choice of leaving and getting food." Jacob said. There was some words shared between them then Jacob walked into room with his car keys in his hand.

" What did you do?" The lady asks.

" I knocked the guitar off the bed and thank god it didn't break, she would have been pissed." Jacob said with a nervous laugh. " But anyways, I'm getting food be back soon." He then left the house. The three of us looked to tech duo for some sort of explanation.

" The guitar has sentimental value. It was given to her when she was six by the community theater teacher. She says that that teacher was the first person that made her feel like she had value. That guitar is also vintage so that adds to the 'specialness'." The lady explains.


It was fifteen minutes into the pre-release live and I've been answering questions in the chat. The front door then opened pulling my attention from the questions. " Who is it?" I yell.

" It's me, and I got food." Jacob yelled back. He then walked into the room and tossed me my food and walked around handing everyone their's, then finally sitting down next me with his food.

He took over for a bit and I went to town eating my food. A few minutes past when I looked up to everyone. They were all just huddled behind the camera. I chuckle lightly, " You know, you don't have to stay behind the camera, we have the whole house. You can sit with us, the table, the kitchen, wherever you'd like."

They all laughed lightly from embarrassment. They all come and sit near me. Benny sat next to me, just making it in frame, Ethan sat on the floor beside Benny, and Sarah was out of frame next to Jacob. " The people are very interested in who you were talking to." Jacob said showing me questions in the chat asking whom I was talking to.

" I was talking to some friends I brought with me from the town I am currently living. Which will go unnamed because I would like to be left alone. Even if the name is already in a hundred articles about my move." I say, the last part under my breath as I pick at my box of food.

" Are you dating anyone?" Dani, my tech lady, read from her phone. " It's a frequently asked question in the chat."

" That's the mystery, isn't it?"

" Another question, have you dated?" Jack, my tech guy, asked.

" I've answered this question before, but for those who are new. Yes, I have and that's all I wish to say on it." I say bluntly.

Ice Queen - Benny WeirWhere stories live. Discover now