Chapter 2

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Hello again! This is part 2, please read part one! This part will be in Diluc's POV!



Diluc Ragnvindr


Humming. That is what I hear. Soft, but very melodic humming. A song, foreign to me, but so very familiar. My eyes felt heavy, not wanting to open. Just relishing in the tune, my lips unconsciously release a small smile. 


No...Stop...let me sleep more...

I say while I try to swat away the bothering hand. I hear some more mumbling, and then I feel a soft, cool, hand touch my cheek tenderly. I unconsciously lean into that hand and smile even wider.

As I did that, I heard a muffled and faint chuckle.

I finally try to open my eyes slowly. Eyelids feeling heavy, but I force my eyes to open and the view in front of me was really blurry, so I blinked for a few seconds to focus my vision.

I felt the person beside me move away a few inches, but when I was trying to raise myself up from the bed, they helped me up and put some cushions behind me. I groaned in pain, my whole body felt heavy and sluggish. I really didn't want to get up. I coughed.

Something in my throat, and I didn't really know what. I settled myself into the pillows behind my back and my vision had finally focused and I saw the person that I least expected to be here...

'Kaeya...?' I widened my eyes and Kaeya gives a nervous chuckle.

"Hey, Diluc..." He said while scratching the back of his head, his flirtatious facade was gone, now replaced with a concerned gaze. I looked down and avoided his concerned eye. I let out a soft sigh.

Ever since we have come back from the Golden Apple Archipelago, we have acted really awkward towards each other. I didn't really know how to approach Kaeya. I have wanted to speak to him and reconcile for a while, but...I feel like...I don't deserve to come into his life again. Not after all that I did to him in the past.

I felt guilty again, but I hide my expression behind my bangs. I don't look at him.

"W-What...what are you doing here?" I say with a slight wince, my voice sounding a bit hoarse. Clearing my throat a couple of times; I asked another question, "How long...have I been asleep?"

Kaeya sighs and sits down on a chair close to the bed.

"Well..." Kaeya then starts explaining, and my eyes widen. My expression slowly turns into a face of displeasure.


'Tch! They caught me off guard, damn it!" I silently curse in my head while Kaeya keeps on speaking, "When I finally got to you, I saw that you were unconscious, so I checked for any wounds and I brought you to my apartment. I then sent for Barbara. She checked you as well and said you were alright, just a bit fatigued, and with a few bruises"

I let out a small sigh, at this. 'At least they did nothing to me...but in the near future, I have to be more careful.' I nod to myself, while Kaeya gets up.

"Well Master Diluc, I should get going now alright? Haha, now that I know the esteemed Master is better, I should go back to my duties now~" He bows in a mocking way.

Andddd, there it was, his mask, and his flirtatious facade was back.

"Tch, well you better get to it, Captain." I leveled him with a glare, and he chuckles. "Really now Master Diluc, Not even a thank you? If I hadn't come to your rescue, who knows what those heathens would've done to you." He puts his hand on his waist in a haughty manner, awaiting my response.

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