Hockey Player and Figure Skater

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- domestic abuse
- homophobia
- body appearance

I advise you to not read this if any of these topics come off as triggering to you.


They're seniors in this oneshot. Or 3rd years, sorry I'm American.

This also contains a bit of American currency talk so I apologize to my non-American people :,).

Before any of you comment "this is not bakugou" I also advice you to stfu because I know.

Enjoy :)


*3rd POV*

"Yo, did you hear?! We have to share the ice rink now!." Kirishima screamed across the rink, skating towards his blonde friend.

Bakugou turned his head over to his bestfriend as he was against the wall, finishing to assemble the rest of his gear, both realizing that the red head is skating a bit faster than he should and wouldn't be able to stop himself in time.  Bakugou backed up and let his friend hit the wall with full force, hearing his friend groan as he fell onto the cold ground.

"Watch out." Bakugou smirked sarcastically, knowing damn well he warned him too late.

Kirishima flipped off the blonde, Bakugou chuckling.

"What were you saying," Bakugou paused, continuing to put his gloves on, "something about sharing the rink?"

Kirishima dusted off his pants, putting himself back together, "Yeah!  There's going to be new figure skaters apparently, I heard Mina and Kaminari are joining."

"Nice, but, figure skaters for what?" Bakugou mumbled, focusing on adjusting his gear for practice.

"I'm not one hundred percent sure but I did hear that our school decided to join for figure skaitung competitions with other schools and districts, I think it's cool." Kirishima smiled.

"I guess that sounds cool, are we sharing the rink starting today or..."

"Yes we are, I heard coach say so, so we have to be a bit less aggressive for practice unfortunately." Kirishima smile started to fade.

"That's fine, I can work with that, do the others know?" Bakugou asked.

"I'm not sure-."

"Okay! I want everyone to get in a line, skates on or not I don't care I need to share something important!" The coach shouted across the rink.

The team started getting into one line, noticing another staff member coming into the arena but staying away from the rink.

Bakugou noticed a few other people peak their heads from the door way across the room, not sure if they were students or not.

"Okay so, not sure if you guys heard or not, either way, there is going to be a new figure skating team at our school, now, figure skaters need ice to skate on, and this is the only arena where there is ice so we will have to share with the other students." The coach announced, looking at each and every-one of the hockey players.

"You all have to be less aggressive than you normally are, especially you two." The coach said, looking at Bakugou and Shinsou.

Bakugou nodded, understanding completely, Shinsou, however rolled his eyes.

"Anyways, warm up a bit more and let the figure skaters get comfortable." The coach said he final words, leaving the ice rink and back to where the other staff member was waiting.

BakuTodo OneShots Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora