Sports Festival

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Two weeks before the Sports Festival.

After school.

The students of Class 1 A were about to leave the room. But their path was blocked by a huge crowd.

Mineta : No way out! What are they here for?

Bakugo : Scoping out the compitition, duh, small fry.

Mineta : Huh?

(Y/N) : We were the kids who survived the villain attack.

He says as he stands beside Bakugo.

(Y/N) : Ugh... I hate crowds...

Bakugo & (Y/N) : Move it, canon fodders!!


??? : It's true we came to get a look but you sure are modest ones. Are all the kids in the hero course like these two?

Bakugo : Huh?!

Meanwhile, (Y/N) puts on his earphones.

The kid walks out of the crowd.

He had purple hair and eye bags.

??? : Those of us who who didn't make it to the hero course are stuck in general studies and the other tracks

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??? : Those of us who who didn't make it to the hero course are stuck in general studies and the other tracks. There are quite a few of us. Did you know that?

??? : Depending of the results of this sports festival.... They might consider transferring us to the hero course. I understand that the reverse is also possible for you.

Deku becomes terrified.

??? : Scoping out the compitition? For a general studies kid like me... This would be the pefrct chance to knock you off the pedestals. Consider this a declaration of war.

As the mysterious kid finishes his speech, (Y/N), who was scrolling through his phone until now, looks up and takes of one of his ear plugs.

(Y/N) : Hm? You said something?

Midoriya : This could be bad!!! If we didn't performed well, we'll be kicked out of the hero course!

(Y/N) : Oi! Deku! You there!?

Midoriya : H-Huh?! Yeah!!

(Y/N) : I gotta buy groceries so I'll be off.

Midioriya : Oh! Okay! See you later!

With that, (Y/N) walks off.

Time skip

(Y/N) was now walking towards his home with some grocery bags in his hands.

Suddenly at a distance, a huge villain appeared.

(Y/N) : Shit!!

But before he could destroy anything, a huge woman kicked his face and the villain dropped unconscious.

DREAM (Boku No Hero Academia X Male Reader)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя